Commercial Name: Lightspeed Computed Tomography System. ANVISA registration number: 80071260076. Risk class: III. Affected model (s); and Lot (s) / Serial number (s) affected :. 00000327271CN3 (São Paulo-SP). 00000346702CN4 (Goiânia-GO); 00000002103PT0 (Ribeirão Preto-SP). 00000003306EN8 (São Paulo-SP). 00000310682CN0 (Porto Alegre, RS); 00001002103YM8 (Santana-RS); 00000004411PT5 (Goiânia-GO). 00000004411PT5 (São Paulo-SP). 00000003310EN0 (São Paulo-SP). 00000383739CN0 (Pouso Alegre-MG). The following CT scanners are affected by this field action. - LightSpeed Ultra (MDAS of 8 cuts), LightSpeed Plus (MDAS of 4 cuts), LightSpeed QX / i (MDAS of 4 cuts) and LightSpeed 16 (only MDAS) ... The following CT scanners are affected by this field action. - Discovery ST and Discovery LS.