Trade name: OptiView DAB IHC Detection Kit; Ultraview Universal DAB Detection Kit; OptiView Amplification Kit and Hematoxylin II. Technical Name: Immunohistochemistry - Complementary Reagents. ANVISA Registration Number: 10287410832. Hazard Class: I. Affected Model: N / A .. Serial Numbers Affected :. >> Lots Affected Distributed by Roche Diagnóstica Brazil :. OptiView DAB IHC Detection Kit = Lot Y11625. UltraView Universal DAB Detection Kit = Y09284. OptiView Amplification Kit = Lot Y15435. Hematoxylin II = Lot Y13938. >> Lots Affected in Stock in Roche Disgnóstica Brazil :. OptiView DAB IHC Detection Kit = Lots Y11625; Y15571; Y19271. ultraView Universal DAB Detection Kit = Lots Y09284; Y11687; Y15384; Y17984; Y18099. OptiView Amplification Kit = Lot Y15435. Hematoxylin II = Lots Y13938; Y17402; Y17403. NOTE: In the origin (manufacturer) there are other materials and lots affected, but that have not been imported by Brazil so far.