Model Catalog: 400-0100.02 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg.); Model Catalog: 804200-002 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg); Model Catalog: 806300-020 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg.); Model Catalog: 400-0100.01 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg.); Model Catalog: 807300-001 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg.); Model Catalog: 804200-014 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg.); Model Catalog: 804200-002-R (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg.); Model Catalog: 804200-002 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg.); Model Catalog: 400-0100.02 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg); Model Catalog: 807400-001 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg); Model Catalog: 806300-020 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg); Model Catalog: 400-0100.01 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg); Model Catalog: 807300-001 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg); Model Catalog: 804200-014 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg); Model Catalog: 804200-002-R (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg); Model Catalog: 807400-001 (Lot serial: all lots. contact mfg.);
Product was distributed to health care facilities nationwide and to distributors in Europe (via subsidiary), Japan (via subsidiary), Latin America and Asia (third party distributors).
Descripción del producto
Volcano s5 Imaging system, Ultrasound pulsed echo imaging system. Product consists of the CPU, control console, monitor, printer, and patient interface module (PIM)