DirectGuide Drill Extender


3 dispositivos con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    Parts Numbers: DGDE, SPCST, IBST, BST, CST, ICST, IBST, RBST, RCST   Lot Number: 61928, 64895, 64898, 64896, 65406, 65405, 65407, 65408, 65410, 65409, 65357, 67055, 67475, 67345, 37475, 67476, 67474, 67478, 67477, 67479, 67527, 68254, 68266, 68253, 68265, 68262
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution- US (nationwide) including the states of CA, FL, TX, MO, MI, MA, NV, OR, PA, AZ, IL, VA, OH, GA, and SC, and the country of Canada, Poland, Serbia, Italy, Germany, Cairo, Jordan, El Salvador, Kuwait, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Colombia, United Kingdom, Austria, Netherlands, Chile, and Egypt.
  • Descripción del producto
    DGDE, DirectGuide Drill Extender. Instrument for use with dental implants. A manufactured device that adds a 6mm extension for a 25mm and 28mm tissue height capability suitable for individual patient needs. The thru hole in the DGDE allows existing surgical drills to be inserted and locked in place.
  • Manufacturer