TriVascular Fill Polymer Kit


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  • Modelo / Serial
    The following lot numbers are in distributor inventory in Europe: FF121211-04, FF010912-01, FF013112-01, FF020912-01, FF022212-03, FF022912-01, FF040412-01,  FF051012-01
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US Nationwide and the countries of Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey. TriVascular stated that no purchased devices are in hospital inventory in Europe or the U.S.
  • Descripción del producto
    TriVascular brand Fill Polymer Kit, Endovascular Graft, Aneurysm Treatment System, European Model Number: TVFP14-B, (in European distributor inventory only); || PRODUCT Usage: || The TriVascular Ovation Abdominal Stent Graft System is indicated in subjects diagnosed with an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta having vascular morphology suitable for endovascular repair, including: (1) Adequate iliac/femoral access compatible with vascular access techniques, devices, and/or accessories, (2) Non-aneurysmal proximal aortic neck: - with a length of at least 7 mm proximal to the aneurysm, - with an inner wall diameter of no less than 16 mm and no greater than 30 mm, and - with an aortic angle of d 60 degrees if proximal neck is e 10 mm and d 45 degrees if proximal neck is < 10 mm, (3) Non-aneurysmal distal iliac landing zone: - with a length of at least 10 mm, - with an inner wall diameter of no less than 8 mm and no greater than 20 mm
  • Manufacturer