Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) including P.R and the countries of: Africa, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, South Thailand, Sri Lanka, Spain, Switzerland, Trinidad, Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine and United Kingdom, .
Descripción del producto
Siemens-branded linear accelerator with a 550 TxT Treatment Table with a serial number <_ 1894. Siemens brand ARTISTE, ONCOR and PRIMUS Linear Accelerator systems include the 550 TxT" Treatment Table. || Manufactured by: SIEMENS AG, MEDICAL SOLUTIONS || Roentgenstrasse 19-21 || Kemnath, GERMANY 95478. || Product Usage: || The intended use of the SIEMENS branded ARTISTE, ONCOR and PRIMUS family of linear accelerator systems is to deliver X-ray photon and electron radiation for the therapeutic treatment of cancer.
Worldwide Distribution - USA including the states of CA, DE, FL, IL, KY, LA, MA, MI, NE, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SD, TN, UT, WI, and WV
Descripción del producto
ARTISTE or ONCOR Linear Accelerators in combination with 160MLC (Multi Leaf Collimator). Linear Accelerators that may be affected are: ARTISTE MV System; ONCOR Avant Garde ONCOR Impression ONCOR Impression Plus ONCOR Expression. Manufactured by Siemens AG, Medical Solutions, Kemnath, Germany; Registered by Siemens Medical Solutions, Concord, CA. ARTISTE and ONCOR family of Linear Accelerators are used to deliver X-ray photon and electron radiation for the therapeutic treatment of cancer. || Product Model with Part Number: || ARTISTE MV System, 8139789; || ONCOR Avant Garde, 5863472; || ONCOR Impression, 5857920; || ONCOR Impression, Plus 5857912; || ONCOR Expression, 7360204; || ONCOR Expression, 7360717. || ARTISTE and ONCOR family of Linear Accelerators are used to deliver X-ray photon and electron radiation for the therapeutic treatment of cancer.
Varian brand Clinac, Trilogy, Novalis Tx, Unique, linear accelerators; Model Number: H14, H18, H29, Reference/FSCA Identifier: CP-08881; Product is manufactured and distributed by Varian Medical Systems Inc., Palo Alto, CA. || 1) The Varian Low Energy Linear Accelerator is indicated for precision radiotherapy for lesions, tumors and conditions anywhere in the body when radiation treatment i is indicated. (2) The Varian High Energy Linear Accelerator is indicated for stereotactic radiosurgery and precision radiotherapy for lesions, tumors and conditions anywhere in the body when radiation treatment is indicated.