REMstar heated humidifier


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  • Modelo / Serial
    Model Catalog: 1005792 (Lot serial: ); Model Catalog: 1007861 (Lot serial: )
  • Descripción del producto
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Model numbers 1005792, U1005792, R1005792, SC1005792, AC1005792, 1007861, R1007861, and JP1007861. Serial numbers range affected H045582 through H239662. Individual serial numbers are: H000524, H000546, H00593, H000596, H000599, H000967, H001052, H001054, H001320, H001394, H001454, H001537, H001555, H001589, H001614, H001631, H001964, H002120, H002421, H002491, H002582, H002794, H002817, H002822, H002978, H003083, H003590, H003665, H003739, H004117, H004747, H004804, H004971, H004978, H005289, H005405, H005411, H005416, H005534, H005550, H005577, H005681, H005876, H006214, H006448, H006665, H006700, H006711, H006819, H007080, H007104, H007683, H007828, H007907, H008213, H008295, H008348, H008452, H008549, H008588, H008733, H008956, H009282, H009670, H009797, H009838, H009858, H009894, H010883, H011283, H011636, H012040, H012080, H012120, H012288, H012621, H012737, H012819, H013327, H013346, H013727, H014040, H014432, H014449, H014541, H014565, H014752, H014753, H014898, H015446, H015760, H015761, H015848, H015859, H015873, H016071, H016112, H016276, H016552, H016629, H016665, H016753, H016895, H016913, H016926, H017170, H017195, H017270, H017294, H017382, H017483, H017905, H018031, H018037, H018435, H018717, H018735, H018963, H018965, H018995, H019041, H019069, H019088, H019348, H019362, H019371, H019385, H019586, H019685, H019786, H019807, H019837, H019839, H019867, H019923, H019985, H020053, H020253, H020502, H020518, H020538, H020562, H020572, H020583, H020597, H020606, H020647, H020713, H020727, H020739, H020754, H020889, H021619, H021781, H021838, H021943, H022085, H022283, H022286, H022297, H022366, H022369, H022412, H022512, H022514, H023004, H023159, H023331, H023583, H023602, H023720, H023745, H023791, H023797, H023821, H023912, H024779, H025127, H025226, H025304, H025317, H025321, H025398, H025434, H025560, H025969, H026008, H026132, H026156, H026158, H026199, H026202, H026206, H026207, H026364, H026405, H026425, H026726, H026759, H027046, H027122, H027239, H027478, H027507, H027694, H027765, H027904, H027986, H028025, H028080, H028282, H028408, H028549, H028594, H029078, H029429, H029529, H029538, H029564, H029808, H029875, H029923, H030136, H030151, H030244, H030407, H030491, H030672, H030937, H031059, H031064, H031089, H031119, H031220, H031245, H031255, H031270, H031300, H031370, H031386, H031434, H031484, H031486, H031602, H031766, H031857, H031893, H032112, H032130, H032289, H032298, H032418, H032672, H032762, H032788, H032794, H032806, H032923, H033048, H033134, H033171, H033286, H033305, H033400, H034422, H034493, H034624, H034687, H034704, H035098, H035138, H035270, H035295, H035801, H035954, H036042, H036268, H036440, H036655, H036878, H037043, H037203, H037235, H037343, H037433, H037585, H037592, H037897, H038061, H038147, H038170, H038254, H038500, H038507, H038657, H038720, H038789, H038915, H038921, H039024, H039084, H039157, H039231, H039420, H039431, H039542, H039922, H040025, H040133, H040300, H040349, H040403, H040462, H040480, H040493, H040590, H040912, H041200, H041254, H041298, H041322, H041346, H041595, H041879, H041884, H041886, H041892, H041896, H042261, H042419, H042420, H042527, H042912, H042992, H042997, H043012, H043461, H043494, H043692, H043763, H043877, H043973, H043991, H044274, H044317, H044338, H044128, H044185, H044414, H044468, H044480, H044544, H044565, H044759, H044849, H044878, H044909, H044954, H045276, H045381, H045406, H045466, H045486, H045494, H045498, and HO45514.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution ---- including USA and countries of Denmark, Austria, France, Canada, Netherlands, Japan, Hong Kong, Austrailia, Great Britain, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Portugal, Saudia Arabia, Korea, Mexico, Finland, Taiwan, Philippines, Iceland, Brazil, Kuwait, New Zealand, Chile, India, Egypt, Norway, Turkey, Jordan, Thailand, Hungary, Russia, Peru, South Africia, Israel, Czech, Pakistan, Lebanon, Venezuela, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Bermuda, and Colombia.
  • Descripción del producto
    REMstar Heated Humidifier ( Respiratory Gas Humidifer) Model numbers 1005792, U1005792, R1005792, SC1005792, AC1005792, 1007861, R1007861, and JP1007861.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Part number 1006265, Lot number 020613, 020614, 020801, 020823, 020926, 021121, 021226, 030130, 030303, 030320, 303401, 303417, 030423, 030514, and 030611.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution ---- including USA and countries of Denmark, Austria, France, Canada, Netherlands, Japan, Hong Kong, Austrailia, Great Britain, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Portugal, Saudia Arabia, Korea, Mexico, Finland, Taiwan, Philippines, Iceland, Brazil, Kuwait, New Zealand, Chile, India, Egypt, Norway, Turkey, Jordan, Thailand, Hungary, Russia, Peru, South Africia, Israel, Czech, Pakistan, Lebanon, Venezuela, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Bermuda, and Colombia.
  • Descripción del producto
    REMstar Heated Humidifer Main PCA Repair Kit, Part number 1006265
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Lot Numbers 071010, 071011, and 071012.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The products were shipped nationwide to medical facilities.
  • Descripción del producto
    REMStar Heated Humidifier Pkg model number 1005792. Filter, mask, and/or accessories for sleep therapy and ventilation devices, Respironics, Inc., Murrysville, PA 15668.
  • Manufacturer