Lot numbers were not provided. All product shipped after 1/29/2003 is affected. Customers need to visually examine the Intake/Reservoir valve in order to determine if they have affected product.
Product was shipped to approximately 264 customers nationwide, and 3 foreign consignees (Mexico, Brazil and Northern Mariana Islands). Product was also sold to a few exporters who shipped units to unknown countries. Customers include distributors and end users. There were 2,403 parts shipped to Laerdal Medical Canada, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. That firm is responsible for conducting an independent recall, reportedly with the knowledge of the Canadian government.
Descripción del producto
Intake/Reservoir Valve (Part No. 875400), used in all sizes of Laerdal Silicone Resuscitators. Responsible firm on the label: Distributed in the U.S. by Laerdal Medical Corporation, Wappingers Falls, NY, Made in Norway.