Worldwide Distribution - US Nationwide including Puerto Rico, and the countries of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, England, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Singapore, Spain, and Venezuela
Descripción del producto
VITROS 250 Chemistry Systems, Catalog 8132086, Unique Device Identifier No. 10758750004409, and VITROS 250 Refurbished, Catalog 6801759, Unique Device Identifier No. 10758750001330; IVD. || Product Usage: || For in vitro diagnostic use. The VITROS 250 Chemistry System performs discrete clinical tests on serum, urine, and cerebral spinal fluid specimens. Methodologies include colorimetric (CM), potentiometric (PM), rate (RT), and immuno-rate (IR) tests using multi-layered VITROS Slides.
DOMESTIC distribution (nationwide): Product shipped to 6 distributors, 140 hospitals, and 6 U.S. government accounts. FOREIGN distribution: Product shipped to 22 Ortho-Clinical/J&J; affiliates in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, India, Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Panama, Singapore, Venezuela, England, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The foreign affiliates further distributed product.
Descripción del producto
VITROS CRP Slides: (1) Cat # 192 6740, 250 slides per box, and (2) Cat # 809 7990, 90 slides per box. Firm on the label: Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., Rochester, NY 14626. The CRP Slides are for use on the Vitros 250/250AT and/or Vitros 950/950AT Clinical Chemistry Systems. For in vitro diagnostic use. Vitros CRP slides quantitatively measure C-reactive protein concentration in serum and plasma.