Worldwide Distribution - US to CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL,IN,KS,KY,LA,MA,MD,MI,MS,MT,NC,NE,NJ,NM,NY,OH,PA,SC, TN,TX,UT,VA,WA and Internationally to Canada, Germany and New Zealand.
Descripción del producto
lnvacare Precise Rx Pediatric Flowmeter Model Number: IRCPF16. Packed one per carton. || The lnvacare Precise Rx Pediatric Flowmeter adapts to lnvacare Concentrators for low-flow usage.The gauge has a scale printed on the front side and the back side. The front scale is the primary source for monitoring oxygen flow. The rear scale is an aide for monitoring oxygen flow.
Serial numbers for Model IRCPF16AW: 16CF024370, 16CF024373, 16CF024376, 16CF024379, 16CF024382,16CF024368,16CF024369, 16CF024371,16CF024372, 16CF024374,16CF024375, 16CF024377,16CF024378, 16CF024380,16CF024381, 16CF037743.
Worldwide Distribution - US to CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL,IN,KS,KY,LA,MA,MD,MI,MS,MT,NC,NE,NJ,NM,NY,OH,PA,SC, TN,TX,UT,VA,WA and Internationally to Canada, Germany and New Zealand.
Descripción del producto
Invacare Precise Rx Pediatric Flowmeter Model Number: IRCPF16 AW. Packed one per carton. || The lnvacare Precise Rx" Pediatric Flowmeter adapts to lnvacare Concentrators for low-flow usage.The gauge has a scale printed on the front side and the back side. The front scale is the primary source for monitoring oxygen flow. The rear scale is an aide for monitoring oxygen flow.