Part Number DYNJAAF6225, 20 per case, Lot Number: 574481104; Part Number DYNJAAF6261, 20 per case, Lot Numbers: 570601004, 577491104, 578371104; Part Number DYNJAPF4000, 20 per case, Lot Numbers: 570701004, 589820105, 590030105, 593300105, 597460105
Product was distributed domestically to customers in CA, AZ, IL, CO, OR, FL, VA, OH, MI, and UT. Product was also distributed to the following foreign countries: Malaysia, Mexico, and New Zealand
Descripción del producto
Circuit-Unilimb, Adult, 1M (40''), Disposable, Clean Non-sterile, Adult Anesthesia Circuit, Part Numbers DYNJAAF4000, DYNJAAF6225, and DYNJAAF6261. Manufactured for Medline Industries, Inc., Mundelein, IL 60060, Made in Mexico.
Medline Angio Drape Pack Radiology-LF; a sterile custom single patient prescription procedure pack, including a waste bag, for use by the Interventional Radiology Department; Packaged for Medline Industries, Inc.; Reorder #DYNJ35993D || This custom pack includes components necessary for a specific procedure.
Worldwide distribution: US (Nationwide) and countries of: Argentina, Australia, Canada, British Virgin Island, Czech Republic, Italy, and Turkey.
Descripción del producto
Medline Med-Checks BI Test packs with Instant Readout Integrator, SteriTec Product Code PL 200, Distributor Product Code MDS200500IR || SteriTec Steam Biological Test Packs with Instant Readout Integrator Card: The Steam Biological Test Pack with Instant Readout Integrator is a steam sterilization monitor designed specifically for biological testing of pre-vacuum steam sterilizers operating at 132¿C (270¿F) for 3 minutes or longer. The Instant Readout Integrator Card gives the operator a prediction of the biological test outcome
Medline Sterile Foley Catheter 14 fr 5 cc 12 pieces || model number DNYD11914 || Product Usage:Latex Lubricous Coated Foley Catheters The standard catheter essentially consists of a flexible lubricous coated latex tube which incorporates one major drainage lumen and one or two minor lumens constructed in the wall of the tube. One minor lumen is for inflating the retention balloon (available in 2-Way & 3-Way catheters). The second minor lumen (applicable for 3 Way catheters only) is used for bladder irrigation purposes.
Medline EndurO2 Oxygen Concentrator with Oxygen Monitor; Portable oxygen generator; Reorder Number: HCS02; Packaged in 1 unit per case; Product is an oxygen generator designed to provide oxygen to patient who has been prescribed oxygen therapy by a physician.