Device Recall NeoPAP

  • Modelo / Serial
    Lot codes: 3124050609-01, 3124050609-02, 3124050609-03, 3124050803-01, 3124050803-02, 3124050803-03, 3124050803-04, 3124050803-05, 3124050623-01, 5313050323-01, 5313050620-01, 5306050624-01, 5306050623-01, 5306050323-01, 4568050622-01, 4568050415-01, 3195050217-06, 3195050511-01, 3195050426-12, 3195050511-02, 3195050511-03, 3195050511-05, 3195050511-07, 3195050511-08, 3195050511-10, 3195050520-07, 3195050412-05, 3195050418-02, 3195050418-03, 3195050418-06, 3195050418-07, 3195050418-09, 3195050418-13, 3195050418-14, 3195050418-15, 3195050426-01, 3195050426-02, 3195050426-03, 3195050426-04, 3195050426-05, 3195050426-11, 3195050426-13, 3195050426-14, 3195050426-15, 3195050511-09, 3195050511-11, 3195050511-12, 3195050511-13, 3195050511-14, 3195050511-15, 3195050520-01, 3195050520-02, 3195050520-03, 3195050520-04, 3195050520-05, 3195050527-02, 3195050527-03, 3195050527-04, 3195050527-05, 3195050527-06, 3195050527-07, 3195050527-08, 3195050131-08, 3195050120-02, 3195050120-07, 3195050120-08, 3195050120-09, 3195050114-03, 3195050527-12, 3195050527-13, 3195050527-14, 3195050527-15, 3195050609-01, 3195050609-02, 3195050609-04, 3195050722-07, 3195050609-07, 3155050722-04, 3155050722-05, 3195050811-03, 3195050426-07, 3195050609-09, 3195050811-04
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The product was shipped to medical facilities in GA, IA, MA, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX, and WI. The product was also shipped to Sweden, South Africia, Egypt, Greece, and Saudi Arbia.
  • Descripción del producto
    NeoPAP Neonatal CPAP/Humidification System || (Ventilator, Continuous)
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Respironics, Inc., 1001 Murry Ridge Ln, Murrysville PA 15668
  • Source