CardioVations (Heartport) EndoClamp Aortic Balloon Catheter 100 cm

  • Modelo / Serial
    Model EC1001 (codes are recorded in the following format: Lot #/Expiration date): 581130/Aug-09; 582944/ Aug-09; 591423/Aug-09; 591424/Nov-09; 598990/Sept-09; 598992/Nov-09; 604411/Oct-09; 605844/Dec-09; 606674/Dec-09; 606676/Jan-10; 607104/Feb-10; 608371/Feb10; 608375/Feb-10; 608377/Feb-10; 608379/Mar-10; 618753/Mar-10; 623151/Mar-09; 624601/Mar-10; 624602/Apr-10; 628961/Apr-10; 628962/Apr-10; 630344/May-10; 634975/Jun-10; 634976/Jun-10; 643171/May-10;; 644544//Jun-10; 644545/Jul-10; 644546/Jul-09; 651860/Jul-10; 651861/Aug-10; 651862/Aug-10; and 651865/Sep-10.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution -- US, Europe, Canada, Australia, and Thailand.
  • Descripción del producto
    EndoClamp aortic catheter. Label reading in part: "***CARDIOVATIONS EndoClamp aortic catheter 100 cm, REF EC1001, Sterile EO, Sterile || R, Edwards Lifesciences LLC Irvine, CA***". The device is a 10.5Fr wirewound, three-lumen catheter with a balloon near its tip for occluding the || ascending aorta. || Indicated for use in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. The catheter occludes the ascending aorta, vents the aortic root and allows || delivery of cardioplegia solution to arrest the heart. The pressure lumen allows monitoring of the aortic root pressure.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Edwards Lifesciences Research Medical, Inc., 6864 South 300 West, Midvale UT 84047
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source