Pouch codes for the 180 cm length wuidewires are: Catalog No. 46-591, UPN M001465910 Lot Number Use Before Date 4959940 2005-08 4959941 '' 4969651 '' 4969654 '' 4969655 '' 4969656 '' The pouch codes for the 260 cm length guidewires are: Catalog No. 46-5912, UPN M001465920 Lot Number Use Before Date 4959945 2005-08 4959946 '' 4959944 '' 4959943 ''
Product was distributed to 118 hospitals nationwide.
Descripción del producto
Medi-Tech Magic Torque Glidex hydrophilic coated guidewire, .035 inch/180 cm and .035 inch/260 cm lengths. Packaged in a sterile pouch and a three pack shelf box.