Device Recall Thumper Cardiopulmonary Resuscitator

  • Modelo / Serial
    CDNV - SN Installed In - Mfr Date 5519 CCV-2181 09/17 5518 CCV-2182 09/17 5516 CCV-2183 09/17 5517 CCV-2184 09/17 5522 CCV-2196 09/17 5531 CCV-2200 12/17 5533 CCV-2201 12/17 5538 CCV-2202 12/17 5524 CCV-2203 12/17 5523 CCV-2204 12/17 5526 CCV-2205 12/17 5528 CCV-2206 12/17 5529 CCV-2208 12/17 5535 CCV-2209 12/17 5530 CCV-2210 12/17 5534 CCV-2211 12/17 5539 CCV-2212 12/17 5520 CCV-2213 12/17 5532 CCV-2214 12/17 5525 CCV-2215 12/17 5536 CCV-2216 12/17 5537 CCV-2217 12/17 5521 CCV-2218 12/17 5527 CCV-2219 12/17 5541 CCV-2220 01/18 5550 CCV-2221 01/18 5546 CCV-2222 01/18 5544 CCV-2223 01/18 5543 CCV-2224 01/18 5542 CCV-2225 01/18 5553 CCV-2226 01/18 5547 CCV-2228 01/18 5549 CCV-2229 01/18 5548 CCV-2230 01/18 5545 CCV-2231 01/18 5540 CCV-2232 01/18 5555 CCV-2233 01/18 5554 CCV-2237 01/18
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Distributed to China.
  • Descripción del producto
    Thumper Cardiopulmonary Resuscitator, Model 1007CCV, Catalog No. 15370 || Product Usage: || The device is used to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CRP) on adult patients and only adult patients in cases of clinical death as defined by a lack of spontaneous breathing and pulse.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Michigan Instruments, Inc., 4717 Talon Ct SE, Grand Rapids MI 49512-5408
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source