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Device Recall Dexcom G5 Mobile Receiver
Modelo / Serial
Receiver Kit Number: STK-GF-001 STK-RF-001 STR-GF-001 STK-GF-PNK STK-RF-PNK STR-GF-PNK STK-GF-BLU STK-RF-BLU STR-GF-BLU Lot Number: 5204518 5204520 5204526 5204529 5204546 5204644 5204647 5204697 5204752 5204756 5204760 5204764 5204941 5204959 5204995 5205003 5205015 5205024 5205039 5205057 5205059 5206564 5206577 5206601 5206618 5206630 5206724 5207977 5207978 5207983 5207994 5208000 5208001 5208013 5208014 5208017 5208026 5208027 5208030 5208034 5208263 5208264 5208349 5208350 5208512 5208515 5208524 5208525 5208799 5208803 5208817 5209310 5209311 5209313 5209657 5209660 5210388 5210468 5204519 5204525 5204528 5204545 5204645 5204648 5204698 5204754 5204758 5204952 5205007 5205029 5205050 5206565 5206576 5206606 5206623 5207980 5207987 5207996 5208009 5208513 5208523 5208815 5209314 5209317 5209319 5209658 5209661 5210391 5204521 5204527 5204530 5204646 5204699 5204757 5204761 5204947 5205008 5205036 5205045 5206569 5206615 5206622 5206653 5206657 5206725 5208024 5208519 5208808 5208822 5209320 5209659 5209662 5210397 5210475 5204522 5204539 5204687 5204753 5204953 5204999 5205011 5205035 5206570 5206580 5206610 5209664 5209694 5204523 5204540 5204690 5204783 5204996 5205019 5205061 5206568 5209665 5209669 5204524 5204541 5204693 5204759 5205004 5205062 5206578 5209666 5209670 5204542 5204694 5204955 5205023 5205044 5205052 5209919 5210031 5210040 5210395 5210474 5204543 5204695 5204956 5205030 5205056 5209920 5210032 5210396 5204544 5204696 5204957 5205017 5205040 5210016 5210033
Clasificación del producto
Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Toxicology Devices
Clase de dispositivo
Worldwide Distribution-US (nationwide), Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Slovenia, Turkey, South Africa, India, Israel, Hungary, Hong Kong, UK, Ireland, France, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Chile, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Czech Republic, Bahrain, Lebanon, and Qatar.
Descripción del producto
Dexcom G5 Mobile Receiver || Receiver Part Number: MT22719 Receiver (mg/dL), Black; MT22719-PNK, || Receiver (mg/dL), Pink; MT22719-BLU, Receiver (mg/dL), Blue. || Intended to detect trends and track glucose patterns in persons with diabetes.
Dexcom Inc
1 Event
Retiro De Equipo (Recall) de Device Recall Dexcom G5 Mobile Receiver
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Dexcom Inc
Dirección del fabricante
Dexcom Inc, 6340 Sequence Dr, San Diego CA 92121-4356
Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
Dexcom Inc.