USA Distribution in the states of NH, MD, CO, and IL.
Descripción del producto
C2244.4308 CONELOG Titanium Base CC ¿4.3GH2 0.8 inkl HS || Product Usage: || Endosseous dental implant abutment CONELOG Abutments are intended to be used to fabricate prosthetic restorations in conjunction with CONELOG implants to support prostheses in the maxillary and/or mandibular arch.
USA Distribution in the states of NH, MD, CO, and IL.
Descripción del producto
C2244.3808, CONELOG Titanium Base CC ¿3.8GH0.8 inkl HS || Product Usage: || Endosseous dental implant abutment CONELOG Abutments are intended to be used to fabricate prosthetic restorations in conjunction with CONELOG implants to support prostheses in the maxillary and/or mandibular arch.
USA Distribution in the states of NH, MD, CO, and IL.
Descripción del producto
C2244.3820;, CONELOG Titanium Base CC ¿3.8GH2.0 inkl HS || Product Usage: || Endosseous dental implant abutment CONELOG Abutments are intended to be used to fabricate prosthetic restorations in conjunction with CONELOG implants to support prostheses in the maxillary and/or mandibular arch.
USA Distribution in the states of NH, MD, CO, and IL.
Descripción del producto
C2244.5008 CONELOG Titanbasis CAD/CAM || Conelog Titanium Base CAD/CAM Rx only || ¿5.0GH 0.8 inkl HS || Product Usage: || Endosseous dental implant abutment CONELOG Abutments are intended to be used to fabricate prosthetic restorations in conjunction with CONELOG implants to support prostheses in the maxillary and/or mandibular arch.