Lot ''06AA003'', expiration date 06/08 Lot ''06AA001'', expiration date 06/08 Lot ''06AA002'', expiration date 06/08 Lot ''06AA004'', expiration date 07/08 Lot ''06AA005'', expiration date 07/08 Lot ''06AA006'', expiration date 10/08 Lot ''06AA007'', expiration date 10/08
The product was distributed throughout the U.S. to wholesalers, retail accounts (i.e. pharmacies, dental offices, and medical facilities) and full size samples of product were given away at trade shows to medical, and dental offices and some end users consumers). A total of 240 units of product derived from Lot Code: 06AA001, were distributed to a single Canadian distributor under the assigned Lot Code: 06BB002
Descripción del producto
Salivart Oral Moisturizer, packaged in 2.5 fluid ounce (73.9 mL) spray cans, Part Number: 0386-0009-75; Manufactured by Gebauer Company, Cleveland, Ohio