Nationwide. The product was distributed to one distributor in MA and 154 end users in medical centers and urology clinics.
Descripción del producto
Prolieve¿ Thermodilatation¿ Kit, consisting of a Prolieve Thermodilatation Catheter, Prolieve Heat Exchanger cartridge and 500 ml bag of sterile water, Catalog # 880-8023, packaged in single packs, Material Number M0068808022, and five packs, Material Number M0068808023, labeled in part *** Distributed by Boston Scientific Corporation, Natck, MA***Manufacturer: Celsion Corporation, Columbia, MD***.
Devices were distributed to 19 medical facilities and physician end users nationwide by the recalling firm''s contract distributor.
Descripción del producto
Prolieve¿ Thermodilatation System, model number M0068808000, labeled in part***Distributed by Boston Scientific Corporation, Natick, MA Manufactured by Celsion Corporation, Columbia, MD 21046***