Replacement Gastrostomy Device

  • Modelo / Serial
    43APA042,  43COA041,  43DOA042,  43DOA200,  43DPA051,  43DQA068,  43EOA049,  43EPA052,  43FOA118,  43FPA179,  43FQA043,  43GOA038,  43GPA152,  43GPA213R,  43GPA238R,  43GQA036,  43HOA038,  43HPA057,  43HPA227R,  43HQA034,  43IOA047,  43IPA049,  43IQA033,  43JNA050,  43JNA223,  43JOA024,  43JPA044,  43KOA023,  43KOA161,  43KQA038,  43LNA058,  43LOA035,  43LQA040,  HURA1337,  HURB2433,  HURE2908,  HURF0501,  HURH1094,  HURJ0609, HURJ1592, and HURL0235.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution including US, Latin America and countries of Canada, Japan, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, Germany.
  • Descripción del producto
    Dual Port Wizard Low Profile Replacement Gastrostomy Device, Code 00214W, 20F, 3.4cm, 20cc, Sterile EO, Bard Access Systems, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84116.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    C R Bard Inc, 605 N 5600 W, Salt Lake City UT 84116-3738
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source

31 dispositivos con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    43AOA018, 43AOA041, 43APA032, 43BOA015, 43BOA037, 43BPA025,  43BQA042, 43BQA184, 43COA013, 43COA036, 43CQA232, 43DOA010,  43DOA037, 43DPAO14, 43DQA063, 43EOA0 13, 43EOA041, 43EPAO13, 43EPA040, 43FOA076, 43FOA107, 43FOA234, 43GOA033, 43GOA009,  43GPA177R, 43GPA178R, 43GPA190R, 43GPA195R, 43HOA031,  43HPA018, 43HPA050, 43HPA223R, 43INA031, 43IOA038, 43IPA017R,  43IPA207R, 43IQA001, 43JNAOO1, 43JNAO44, 43JNA203, 43JNA219,  43JOA014, 43JPA013, 43JPA036, 43KNA012, 43KNA053, 43KOA016,  43KPA013, 43LNAO22, 43LNAO52, 43LOA023, 43LQA001, HURB2525,  HURB3526, HURD1915, HURF0483, HURG1443, HURH1078,  HURJ0571, HURB2422, HURD0734, HURE0535, HURE2889, HURG1444,  and HURJ0594.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution including US, Latin America and countries of Canada, Japan, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, Germany.
  • Descripción del producto
    Dual Port Wizard Low Profile Replacement Gastrostomy Device, Code 00200W, 16F, 1.2cm, 10cc, Sterile EO, Bard Access Systems, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84116. || Dual Port Wizard Low Profile Replacement Gastrostomy Device is a silicone low-profile balloon-type device designed for percutaneous insertion through an established, appropriately sized stoma tract. || The Dual Port Wizard Device is packaged in a kit which also includes two tubes, two gauze pads, and a syringe. The Wizard anti-reflux valve is a component of the Dual Port Wizard Gastrostomy Device. The inserted device is used for enteral feeding.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    43AOA019,  43LNA053,  43AOA042,  43LOA024,  43APA033,  43LPA008,  43ARAOO2,  43LQAO29,  HURA1265,  43BOA016,  HURB2526,  43BOA038,  HURB4356,  43BQA043,  HURB4357,  43COA014,  HURD1917,  43COA037,  HURF0484,  43DOA011,  HURG1445,  HURH1079,  HURJ0002,  43DOA038,  43DOA203,  43DPA015,  HURJ0595,  43DPA044,  HURJ1549,  43DPA204,  HURK1491,  43DPA205,  HURB2425,  43DQA064,  HURB4421,  43EOA014,  HURD1916,  43EOA042,  HURE2890,  43EPA014,  HURF0485,  43EPAO41,  HURH0242,  43EPA209,  HURH1080,  43EPA216,  HURJ1557,  43EQA009,  43FOA077,  43FOA108,  43GOA034, 43GPA179R,  43GPA180R,  43GQA001,  43GQA032,  43HPA019R, 43HPA192,  43HPA225R,  43HQA001,  43HQA165,  43INA032,  43IOA039,  43IPAO18,  43IPA041,  43IPA199R,  43IQA002,  43JNA002,  43JNA045,  43JNA204,  43JOA015,  43JPA014,  43JPA037,  43JQA001,  43JQA027,  43KPA014,  43KQA001,  43KQA027, and  43LNA023.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution including US, Latin America and countries of Canada, Japan, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, Germany.
  • Descripción del producto
    Dual Port Wizard Low Profile Replacement Gastrostomy Device, Code 00201W, 16F, 1.7cm, 10cc, Sterile EO, Bard Access Systems, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84116. || Dual Port Wizard Low Profile Replacement Gastrostomy Device is a silicone low-profile balloon-type device designed for percutaneous insertion through an established, appropriately sized stoma tract. || The Dual Port Wizard Device is packaged in a kit which also includes two tubes, two gauze pads, and a syringe. The Wizard anti-reflux valve is a component of the Dual Port Wizard Gastrostomy Device. The inserted device is used for enteral feeding.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    43AOA020,  43AOA012,  43APA014,  43JQA028,  43APA034,  43KNA054,  43KPA015,  43ARA030,  43KQA028,  43BOA017,  43LNA024,  43BPA010,  43LNA054,  43BQA007,  43LOA009,  43BQA044,  43LOA025,  43COA015,  43LPA112,  43CPA014,  43LQA003,  43CQA015,  43LQA030,  43CQA234, HURA1274,  HURB2527,  43DOA012,  HURB4359,  43DPA016,  HURB4563,  43DPA045,  HURD1919, 43DPA206,  HURE2891,  43DQA009,  HURF0487,  43EOA015,  HURG1446,  43EOA043,  HURH1082,  43EPAO15,  HURJ0005,  43EPA042,  43EPA217,  HURJ0597,  43EQA010,  HURCA095,  43FOA078,  HURE2892,  43FOA109,  HURF0486,  43FOA229,  HURG1447,  43FQA001,  HURH1081,  43GOA011,  HURJ0598,  43GPA147,  HURJ1559,  43GPA148,  43GPA196R,  43GPA230R,  43GPA231R,  43GQA002,  43GQA033,  43HOA033,  43HPA020,  43HPA051, 43HQA002,  43HQA155,  43HQA163,  43IOA013,  43IOA040,  43IPA019,  43IPA212,  43IPA213,  43IQA003,  43JNA003,  43JOA016,  43JPA015,  43JPA193, and  43JQA002.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution including US, Latin America and countries of Canada, Japan, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, Germany.
  • Descripción del producto
    Dual Port Wizard Low Profile Replacement Gastrostomy Device, Code 00202W, 16F, 2.4cm, 10cc, Sterile EO, Bard Access Systems, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84116. || Dual Port Wizard Low Profile Replacement Gastrostomy Device is a silicone low-profile balloon-type device designed for percutaneous insertion through an established, appropriately sized stoma tract. || The Dual Port Wizard Device is packaged in a kit which also includes two tubes, two gauze pads, and a syringe. The Wizard anti-reflux valve is a component of the Dual Port Wizard Gastrostomy Device. The inserted device is used for enteral feeding.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    43AOA043,  43BOA018,  43BQA045,  43BQA156,  43COA016,  43COA038,  43CQA016,  43CQA235,  43DOA013,  43DPA017,  43DPA207,  43DQA010,  43DQA065,  43EOA016,  43EOA044,  43EPA016,  43EPA043,  43EQA011,  43EQA182,  43FOA110,  43FOA230,  43GPA184R,  43GPA185R,  43GPA186R,  43GPA187R,  43GPA220R,  43GPA221R,  43GQA034,  43HPA052R,  43HQA003,  43lNA034,  43IOA014,  43IPA020,  43JOA017,  43JPA016,  43KQA029,  43LOA026,  43LQA004,  43LQA031,  HURB2529,  HURD0665,  HURD1920,  HURJ0599,  HURK1509,  HURB2427,  HURE2894,  HURH1083,and  HURJ0600.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution including US, Latin America and countries of Canada, Japan, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, Germany.
  • Descripción del producto
    Dual Port Wizard Low Profile Replacement Gastrostomy Device, Code 00203W, 20F, 1.2cm, 10cc, Sterile EO, Bard Access Systems, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84116. || Dual Port Wizard Low Profile Replacement Gastrostomy Device is a silicone low-profile balloon-type device designed for percutaneous insertion through an established, appropriately sized stoma tract. || The Dual Port Wizard Device is packaged in a kit which also includes two tubes, two gauze pads, and a syringe. The Wizard anti-reflux valve is a component of the Dual Port Wizard Gastrostomy Device. The inserted device is used for enteral feeding.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    43APA035, 43ARA005, 43BOA039, 43BQA008, 43BQA046, 43COA017, 43COA039, 43CQA017, 43CQA236, 43DOA014, 43DPA208, 43DPA209, 43DQA011, 43EOA017, 43EOA045, 43EPA017, 43EPA044, 43EPA210, 43FOA080, 43FOA111, 43FQA002, 43GPA174R, 43GPA175R, 43GPA192R, 43GQA003, 43HOA034, 43HPA021R, 43HPA053R, 43HQA004, 43INA014, 43IOA041, 43IPA021R, 43IPA043R, 43IQA004, 43JNA004, 43JNAO47, 43JNA206, 43JOA018, 43JPA017, 43JPA038, 43JQA003, 43KNA015, 43KOA017, 43KPA016, 43KPA056, 43KQA003, 43KQA030, 43LNA055, 43LOA027, 43LPA009, 43LPA039, 43LQA005, 43LQA032, HURB3524, HURB4420, HURD1921, HURG1448, HURH1084, HURJ0602, HURK1510, HURB2428, HURD0505, HURE2896, and HURJ0601.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution including US, Latin America and countries of Canada, Japan, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, Germany.
  • Descripción del producto
    Dual Port Wizard Low Profile Replacement Gastrostomy Device, Code 00204W, 20F, 1.7cm, 10cc, Sterile EO, Bard Access Systems, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84116.
  • Manufacturer
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