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Device Recall ASP1021LipoTower with Aspiration Pump and Tumescent Pump
Modelo / Serial
Serial numbers 14101241, 4091238, 15011258, 15051279, 13101158, 15051275, 14021190, 12121111, 15051274, 14071221, 13081149, 13031123, 14021187, 14121254, 14081231, 13121173, 13111167, 13101164, 13121172, 14091234, 14111248, 14031196, 13061142, 15031264, 13121171, 13021116, 15051276, 13041131, 13101160, 14051210, 15041271, 14071222, 14051208, 15021260, 13111166, 13101163, 14111246, 13111168, 13101158, 14061212, 13081152, 13121177, 13061145, 15051280, 15061283, 14041200, 13021114, 14011184, 14031193, 13111165, 14011182, 14111249, 14101242, 14011181, 15041272, 13101156, 13041126, 14101240, 14021188, 12111108, 13061141, 12121112, 13061140, 13041128, 13081150, 14031195, 15051281, 14031197, 14081228, 14101243, 14031199, 14081232, 14071226, 13081148, 14111244, 14091238, 15051279, 13091154, 13121179, 14121252, 15041268, 14071225, 14071223, 15031266, 13031122, 13061144, 14021186, 14091233, 13101161, 14031194, 15041273, 13121170, 13021120, 13011113, 13121174, 14041201, 15021261, 14011183, 13061143, 13121175, 15021262, 15011259, 13101157, 14071227, 13091155, 13111169, 14121251, 14061211, 14071216, 14041207, 13041124, 14021189, 14011185, 14031198, 12101105, 14071224, 14041203, 14071220, 13051132, 14091239, 15041269, 14051209, 15021263, 15011257, 13081147, 13031121, 14101241, 15011258, 13041125, 13081151, 13101159, 13121176, 12121109, 14061213, 13121178 13101162, 14111245, 13061138, 14081229, 14021192, 14091237, 14121253, 13061139, 14121255, 15051278, 15051277, 14071217, 15011256, 13021118, 13071146, 13051135, 13051136, 13051137, 14071219, 14081230, 13041127, 12101106, 14061215, 12101107, 14061214, 15041267, 14041206, 14041202, 13041130, 13041129, 14021191, 13051133, 13051134, 14011180, 14091235, 14091236, 14111247, and 14111250.
Clasificación del producto
General and Plastic Surgery Devices
Clase de dispositivo
Nationwide Distribution.
Descripción del producto
ASP-1021 LipoTower with Aspiration Pump and Tumescent Pump. || Medical use.
MicroAire Surgical Instruments, LLC
1 Event
Retiro De Equipo (Recall) de Device Recall ASP1021LipoTower with Aspiration Pump and Tumescent Pump
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MicroAire Surgical Instruments, LLC
Dirección del fabricante
MicroAire Surgical Instruments, LLC, 3590 Grand Forks Blvd, Charlottesville VA 22911-9006
Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
Colson Associates Inc.