Device Recall Direct Drive Grasper

  • Modelo / Serial
    C4140, 5MM X 45CM DIRECT DRIVE GRASPER 10/BX:  1109789, 1110338, 1120502, 1121622, 1122986, 1125449, 1126857, 1128330, 1128927, 1129474, 1130990, 1131764, 1132586, 1136813, 1137334, 1139969, 1141463, 1142396, 1143131.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) including the state of Puerto Rico and the countries of: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Europe, India, Israel, Jordon, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Qatar, Singapore, , South Africa, South Korea, Saudi Arabia. Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Venezuela.
  • Descripción del producto
    Direct Drive Grasper, Model number C4140, 5MM X 45CM DIRECT DRIVE || GRASPER 10/BX || Intended Usage: The grasper is indicated for grasping and manipulating tissue during general or laparoscopic surgery. The instrument is not intended for use when minimally invasive techniques are contraindicated. Complications which have been reported secondary to surgical grasping and manipulation include, but are not limited to: local trauma, injury, and tissue necrosis.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Applied Medical Resources Corp, 22872 Avenida Empresa # 3, Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688-2650
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source

2 dispositivos con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    C4130, 5MM X 35CM DIRECT DRIVE GRASPER 10/BX: 1109421, 1109787, 1110340, 1119363, 1120205, 1120207, 1121053, 1121057, 1121624, 1121756, 1122974, 1123411, 1123710, 1123872, 1124355, 1124556, 1124717, 1125445, 1125447, 1125710, 1125887, 1126120, 1127581, 1127583, 1128329, 1128334, 1128336, 1128434, 1129471, 1129473, 1130479, 1131482, 1131483, 1131484, 1131485, 1131486, 1132587, 1133099, 1134795, 1134796, 1134799, 1135529, 1135553, 1136810, 1136814, 1137509, 1137511, 1138374, 1138557, 1139245, 1139247, 1139968, 1141460, 1141461, 1141462, 1141857, 1141859, 1142395, 1142398, 1143129, 1143130, 1143133, 1143609, 1144837, 1144838, 1144840, 1144841.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) including the state of Puerto Rico and the countries of: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Europe, India, Israel, Jordon, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Qatar, Singapore, , South Africa, South Korea, Saudi Arabia. Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Venezuela.
  • Descripción del producto
    Direct Drive Grasper, Model numbers C4130, 5MM X 35CM DIRECT DRIVE GRASPER 10/BX || Intended Usage: The grasper is indicated for grasping and manipulating tissue during general or laparoscopic surgery. The instrument is not intended for use when minimally invasive techniques are contraindicated. Complications which have been reported secondary to surgical grasping and manipulation include, but are not limited to: local trauma, injury, and tissue necrosis.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    1112177, 1112935, 1123914, 1126274, 1132432, 1128149, 1129688, 1132432, 1133852, 1129688, 1133852, 1135372, 1136464, 1137996, 1139978, 1141874, 1144295, 1146403, 1125156, 1125279, 1126853, 1126853, 1130549, 1111831, 1111947, 1112024, 1125131, 1135284, 1139948, 1111842, 1138635, 1143347, 1111842, 1138635, 1143347, 1125499, 1132309, 1133063, 1134258, 1137548, 1138923, 1143888, 1146663, 1111843, 1130029, 1130029, 1139271, 1139365, 1145313, 1112273, 1124108, 1127084, 1131634, 1136135, 1127363, 1125662, 1125662, 1126390, 1127004, 1128850, 1130615, 1131158, 1136058, 1136556, 1139202, 1139316, 1139316, 1139316, 1135424, 1141142, 1146443, 1147253.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) including the state of Puerto Rico and the countries of: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Europe, India, Israel, Jordon, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Qatar, Singapore, , South Africa, South Korea, Saudi Arabia. Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Venezuela.
  • Descripción del producto
    Direct Drive Grasper, VARIOUS KITS CONTAINING EITHER C4130 || OR C4140 || Intended Usage: The grasper is indicated for grasping and manipulating tissue during general or laparoscopic surgery. The instrument is not intended for use when minimally invasive techniques are contraindicated. Complications which have been reported secondary to surgical grasping and manipulation include, but are not limited to: local trauma, injury, and tissue necrosis.
  • Manufacturer