Device Recall MAYFIELD Horseshoe Gel Pads Right Gel Pad

  • Modelo / Serial
    The Lot No's for the affected Gel Pads are Lot 093984 of part number# 440C1011 for Right Gel Pads
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US Nationwide including the states of AZ, CA, CO, DC, GA, IA, IL, IN, NC, and NY and the countries of: Canada and Belgium.
  • Descripción del producto
    The MAYFIELD¿ Horseshoe Gel Pads are used in conjunction with the MAYFIELD¿ Base Units and MAYFIELD¿ Swivel Adaptors for neurosurgeries in the prone or supine positions. Those devices provide cranial stability and immobility for various craniotomies and spinal procedures. || The Gel Pads are supplied to users in labeled plastic bags, 1 per bag. || Product Usage: || The MAYFIELD¿ Horseshoe Gel Pads are used in conjunction with the MAYFIELD¿ Base Units and MAYFIELD¿ Swivel Adaptors for neurosurgeries in the prone or supine positions. They are plastic gel filled devices that provide cushioning between the head and other metallic part of the MAYFIELD¿ system. The Left and Right Pads are mirror images.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Integra Limited, 311 Enterprise Dr, Plainsboro NJ 08536-3344
  • Source