Endoscopic Linear Cutter

  • Modelo / Serial
    all codes
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The products were shipped medical facilities nationwide. The product was also shipped to distributors in Canada, Japan, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, Belgium, Sweden, Netherlands, Israel, Portugal, India, Austria, Turkey, and Greece.
  • Descripción del producto
    Endoscopic Linear Cutter Reload, 45 mm Blue, product code PLCR45B; Endoscopic Linear Cutter Reload, 45 mm Green, product code PLCR45G; Reusable Endoscopic Linear Cutter, 60 mm, product code PLC60; Endoscopic Linear Cutter Reload, 60 mm Blue, product code PLCR60B; Endoscopic Linear Cutter Reload, 60 mm Green, product code PLCR60G; Endoscopic Linear Cutter Reload, 60 mm Green Thoracic, product code PLCR60GT; Reusable Endoscopic Linear Cutter, 60 mm Reconditioned, product code PLC60RC.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Surgical Devices/Covidien, 60 Middletown Ave, North Haven CT 06473-3908
  • Source

45 dispositivos con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    Model: ECR60T, Affected: with an expiry date of 05-2013 to 03-2014
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Lot Numbers: T4VP02, T4VU1R, T4VV8G, T4VY38, T4W14P, T4W31X, T4W40L, T4W49R, T4W78J, T4W94K, T4W94L, T4WD1Z, T4WE79, T4WG29, T4WH7T, T4WP20, T4WP6M, T4WR1U, T4WV5C, T4WV5D, T4WX38, T4WY96, T4WY9P, T4WZ5H, T4X06W, T4X19X, T4X19Y, T4X21T, T4X54V, T4X84D, T4XC4X, T4XC4Y, T4XD42, T4XD46, T4XE9P, T4XF1L, T4XM0T, T4XM0U, T4XN1K, T4XV2R, T4XV2T, T4XW1U, T4XW1V, T4XZ65, T4Y28Z, T4Y465, T4Y466, T4Y77P, T4Y801.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The product was shipped to hospitals and distributors located nationwide and worldwide.
  • Descripción del producto
    Ethicon Endo-Surgery Endopath ETS-Flex Articulating Endoscopic Linear Cutter, 35mm Standard, Product #ATB35.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Lot Numbers: T4VM9R, T4VN0R, T4VNOX, T4VP71, T4VR0U, T4VR3F, T4VR8Z, T4VT68, T4VT75, T4VU1Z, T4VV8U, T4VW33, T4VW34, T4VW7F, T4VW97, T4VX7P, T4VX7R, T4W03T, T4W11A, T4W11X, T4W188, T4W189, T4W31Y, T4W66N, T4W66T, T4W67V, T4W70V, T4W86G, T4W86H, T4W86N, T4WA3R, T4WA6T, T4WA9Z, T4WD68, T4WD6L, T4WD6M, T4WG04, T4WG05, T4WG4K, T4WG6T, T4WG90, T4WH0K, T4WH5J, T4WH5X, T4WH7N, T4WH9G, T4WK6Z, T4WK70, T4WL2U, T4WM6V, T4WN19, T4WN2K, T4WT0F, T4WT0G, T4WU2P, T4WU4L, T4WU5G, T4WU9W, T4WV7E, T4WV8X, T4WX7E, T4WY7P, T4WY7R, T4WZ62, T4X11U, T4X15M, T4X16G, T4X27L, T4X28X, T4X35P, T4X367, T4X46T, T4X46U, T4X631, T4X634, T4X706, T4X707, T4X708, T4X78T, T4X83P, T4X904, T4X905, T4X929, T4XA2Z, T4XA30, T4XC31, T4XE0A, T4XE20, T4XE21, T4XE8Z, T4XE9M, T4XE9N, T4XG9Y, T4XG9Z, T4XH00, T4XH01, T4XK06, T4XK08, T4XK09, T4XM47, T4XM48, T4XM7L, T4XN4Z, T4XN53, T4XN5N, T4XR2N, T4XR2R, T4XT15, T4XU8W, T4XV2K, T4XV2N, T4XW40, T4XW79, T4XZ9L, T4Y01X, T4Y02U, T4Y16K, T4Y16L, T4Y16M, T4Y21N, T4Y21P, T4Y21R, T4Y26W, T4Y26X, T4Y272, T4Y39G, T4Y39L, T4Y634, T4Y635, T4Y636, T4Y75M, T4Y75N, T4Y75P, T4Y75R, T4Y75T, T4YA05, T4YA06, T4YC2K, T4YC2M, T4YC2P.
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The product was shipped to hospitals and distributors located nationwide and worldwide.
  • Descripción del producto
    Ethicon Endo-Surgery Endopath ETS-Flex Articulating Endoscopic Linear Cutter, 35mm Vascular/Thin, Product #ATW35.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Lot Numbers: T4W63C, T4WA2D, T4WD82, T4WT5U, T4Y19Z.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The product was shipped to hospitals and distributors located nationwide and worldwide.
  • Descripción del producto
    FlexTray Procedure Delivery System Endopath Gynecology Tray, Product #FD065.
  • Manufacturer
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