
  • Modelo / Serial
    Product No. AP-06015. Lot Number: 11953, 12024, 12048, MF2122834, MF2122873, MF3013094,MF3023399, MF3033565, MF3033661, MF3043929,MF3044026, MF3044155, MF3054297, MF3054407, MF3064741, MF3074954, MF3085360, MF3106021,MF4016605, MF4020460, MF4031011, MF4031501, MF4041930, MF4062927,MF4063051, MF4073944, MF4094579, MF4094883, MF4095027, MF4116113,MF4126523, MF5017401, MF5049107, MF5049320, MF5059727, MF5060170,MF5060348, MF5060463, MF5081716, MF5082118, MF5082247, MF5113788,MF5113989, MF5124143, MF6014773, MF6025691, MF6036470, MF6036928,MF6047447, MF6057759, MF6058188, MF6068647, MF6079327, MS3110160,MS4073806.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide. The firm is NOT recalling from international accounts.
  • Descripción del producto
    Implantable Vascular Access System -- Infusion Ports with Silicone Rubber Catheter. || Latex-free A Port. 10 Fr. Introducer Kit. || Ref. Product No. AP-06015
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Arrow International Inc, 2400 Bernville Rd, Reading PA 19605-9607
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source

570 dispositivos con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    Material # 9408-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010256, 010257, 010438, 010439, 010556, 010557, 010737, 010738, 010739, 010946, 010947, 011037, 011046, 011047, 011048, 011215, 011216, 011217, 011380, 011381, 011383, 011384, 011385, 011675, 011676, 011945, 011946, 011947, 012139, 012140, 012141, 012142, 012353, 012354, 012355, 012356, 012463, 012464, 012465, 012570, 012572, 012573, 012686, 012687, 012688, 012895, 012896, 013074, 013084, 013085, 013122, 013185, 013255, 013256, 013257, 013258, 013477, 013478, 013688, 013894, 013895, 013896, 013897, 014111, 014112, 014113, 014114, 014115, 014134, 014135, 014136, 014199, 014200, 014201, 014202, 014306, 014307, 014308, 014420, 014422, 014423, 014569, 014570, 014571, 014703 & 014805 and Material #9411-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010184, 010440, 010559, 010949, 011052, 011218, 011374, 011386 011720, 011948, 012352, 012459, 012578, 012689, 012894, 013060, 013246, 013468, 013509, 013689, 013891, 014121, 014139, 014168, 014197, 014203, 014310, 014425 & 014617.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Internationally to Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
  • Descripción del producto
    ARROW OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System Tray, Sterile, Rx only, Manufactured for: Teleflex Medical, || The Arrow OnControl Bone Marrow Aspiration System is intended for bone marrow aspiration of the iliac crest of adult and pediatric patients. The Arrow¿ OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System is intended for bone marrow core biopsy of the anterior or posterior iliac crest of adult patients
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Material # 9451-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010183, 010560, 010780, 010951, 010972, 011042, 011050, 011348, 011382, 011583, 011709, 011952, 012343, 012568, 012690, 013071, 013247, 013470, 013692, 013735, 013898, 014125, 014138, 014232, 014312 & 014565 and 9458-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010182, 010436, 010437, 010561, 010562, 010723, 010781, 010782, 010817, 010872, 010893, 010952, 010953, 010964, 010969, 010977, 011039, 011040, 011041, 011060, 011061, 011223, 011378, 011379, 011555, 011556, 011557, 011710, 011711, 011712, 011949, 011950, 011951, 012143, 012144, 012145, 012146, 012344, 012345, 012346, 012460, 012461, 012462, 012575, 012576, 012577, 012691, 012692, 012693, 012897, 012898, 013072, 013086, 013248, 013249, 013250, 013471, 013472, 013473, 013694, 013695, 013696, 013734, 013904, 013905, 013906, 013907, 014116, 014117, 014118, 014119, 014129, 014130, 014131, 014132, 014193, 014194, 014195, 014196, 014313, 014314, 014315, 014402, 014404, 014405, 014406, 014607, 014608 & 014609.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Internationally to Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
  • Descripción del producto
    ARROW OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System Comprehensive Tray, Sterile, The Arrow OnControl Bone Marrow Aspiration System is intended for bone marrow aspiration of the iliac crest of adult and pediatric patients. The Arrow¿ OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System is intended for bone marrow core biopsy of the anterior or posterior iliac crest of adult patients
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Material # 9461-VC-001, Lot numbers: 012579S, 013469S, 011227 & 011492;  Material # 9461-VC-006, 011938, 012694, 013065, 013686 & 014615;  Material # 9462-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010743S, 10778S, 010954S, 012580S & 012891S; Material # 9462-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010444, 010743, 010778, 010954, 011495, 011545, 011582, 011714, 012130, 012581, 013251, 013860, 013893, 014128 & 014316; Material # 9463-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010331S, 010955S, 011716S, 012133S & 013066S; Material # 9463-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010331, 010955, 011513, 011584, 011717, 011834, 012131, 012349, 013070, 013474, 013890, 013899, 014230, 014317 & 014616; Material # 9464-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010445S, 010744S, 010956S, 011718S, 012135S, 012695S & 013262S; Material # 9464-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010445, 010744, 010956, 011051, 011491, 011590, 011719, 011939, 012136, 012350, 012696, 012778, 013252, 013902, 014025, 014120, 014231, 014319, 014453 & 014618; Material # 9465-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010957S, 011940S & 014321S; Material # 9465-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010957, 011496, 011941, 012137, 012351, 013286, 013901 & 014322; Material # 9466-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010333S, 10844S, 010958S, 011722S & 012685S; Material # 9466-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010333, 010844, 010958, 011512, 011544, 011589, 011723, 012129, 012466, 013887, 014123, 014209 & 014323.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Internationally to Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
  • Descripción del producto
    ARROW OnControl Bone Lesion Biopsy System Tray, Sterile, Rx only, The Arrow OnControl Bone Lesion Biopsy System is intended for bone biopsy of the vertebral body and bone lesions.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Material # 9471-VC-006, Lot numbers: 013107, 013260, 013889, 014126 & 014324; Material # 9472-VC-006, Lot numbers: 013108 & 013261; Material # 9403-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010848, 011230, 011587, 012101, 012348, 012697, 013245, 013888, 014127, 014208 & 014407.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Internationally to Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
  • Descripción del producto
    ARROW OnControl Ported Aspiration System Tray, Sterile, Rx only, The Arrow OnControl Bone Marrow Aspiration System is intended for bone marrow aspiration of the iliac crest of adult and pediatric patients. The Arrow OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System is intended for bone marrow core biopsy of the anterior or posterior iliac crest of adult patients
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Mfg. Lot or Serial # System ID 00001106XF509E 209225VC450 00001106XF50A6 858939MR4 000000000R7216 858939MR3 000000000R2645 202715MR2 00000842BD50C2 202476MR1 000000000R7025 217383CMR5 00000944BD6155 MR129036 101BD66B6 573884MRI 00000945BD6182 417COXMR1 000000000R2768 HSSFMR450 00001009BD65C1 HSS75MR450 00000944BD6166 803434MRI 00000298722MR0 803434MR2 00000300039MR5 832522MR2 Not Available 713566SMITH1 1106xf508e 713566SMITH3 00000296429MR4 281364MR2 00000833BD4AE7 920830MR450 00000933BD5DF8 304256MR2 00000294451MR0 030020MR03 000000000R7320 403541MR1 00000944BD616B 403955MR1 000000000R7149 250727MR2 Not Available 905522MR2 00001101XF5028 514281MR450 00000297813MR8 CS1006MR04 00000294548MR3 DK1083MR06 00000294397MR5 FI1128MR01 00000295485MR7 FI1052MR01 00000296032MR6 A2032112 00000295847MR8 M4182438 00000293919MR7 M206565701 00000294575MR6 M40330108 00000298332MR8 RMUE01MR04 0002001-0917-3 A5127236 00000304354MR4 A5808528 00000296820MR4 A5624132 00000297807MR0 D5354206 00000293603MR7 RTD0127 DUMFMI60898001 NO1017MR03 00000297987MR0 NO1009MR02 00000296493MR0 PL1539MR01 00000300882MR8 SA1058MR02 00000296613MR3 SA1011MR03 00000299452MR3 CPZ43620 00000303993MR0 M001MR01 00000293000MR6 A010MR06 00000293920MR5 N002MR02 00000303992MR2 541010MR03 00000300849MR7 0853270113 00000292973MR5 00242MRS02 00000293206MR9 70001MRS09 00000298041MR5 05217MRS02 00000293642MR5 10448MRS02 00000293724MR1 10050MRS03 00000299340MR0 00010MRS01 00000295709MR0 00200MRS04 00000294967MR5 00100MRS01 00000296514MR3 00105MRS02 00000300689MR7 2948529MR
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution- US (nationwide) including states of: CA, DC, IL, MN, MO, NY, SC, TX, WI, WV; and countries of: Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and Uruguay.
  • Descripción del producto
    Discovery MR450 || The systems are whole body magnetic resonance scanners designed to support high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio, and short scan times. It is indicated for use as a diagnostic imaging device to produce axial, sagittal, coronal, and oblique images, spectroscopic images, parametric maps. and/or spectra, dynamic images of the structures and/or functions of the entire body, including, but not limited to, head, neck, TMJ, spine, breast, heart, abdomen, pelvis, joints, prostate. blood vessels, and musculoskeletal regions of the body.
  • Manufacturer
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