catalog 2C7552, lot numbers UR142943 through UR167627. Please note: Baxter lot numbers are represented by an internal reference code ''UR'' followed by a six digit sequential number, or by the letter ''U'' followed by a six digit sequential number with and ''R'' suffix. Any lot number appearing within the identified six digit sequential number range is subject to the recall.
Nationwide and internationally to Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey.
Descripción del producto
Baxter System 1000 Single Patient Hemodialysis Systems, product codes SYS1000L3, SYS1000L3P, SYS1000L3T, SYS1000L3TD, SYS1000L2C2; Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Renal Division, McGaw Park, IL 60085
Missouri, Massachusetts, Vermont, California and Canada.
Descripción del producto
Baxter''s Patient Care System (BPCS) software, composed of Pharmacy Management - Inpatient - product code 2M5013, Point of Care - product code 2M5014 and Management Reports - product code 2M5015; Baxter Healthcare Corporation, 1 Baxter Parkway, Deerfield, IL 60015, USA, made in Canada
Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Texas.
Descripción del producto
Baxter Interlink System Minivolume Extension Set, product code 1C8290; 11'', 0.86 mL Vol., with 2 injection sites and a male Luer Lock adapter; Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Deerfield, IL 60015 U.S.A.
Nationwide and internationally to Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey.
Descripción del producto
Baxter Arena Hemodialysis Systems, product codes ARENADPX, ARENASP, ARENADPP, ARENASPX; Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Renal Division, McGaw Park, IL 60085
Nationwide and internationally to Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Australia.
Descripción del producto
Baxter 6060E Epidural Infusion Pump, product code 2L9351 and 606000-40EL; Manufactured by an affiliate of Baxter Healthcare Corp., Deerfield, IL 60013 USA, made in Singapore