Sterilized gowns and towels. || C-Section Pack - contains 8 towels, 1 each large single-ply scrub nurse gown/towel, 2 each large gortex surgeons gown/towel, 2 each 36'' re-usable wrappers, 1 24'' re-usable wrapper. || Surgical gown packs, inside double wrappers, for use in surgery and operating rooms. Packs include gowns and towels. || Packages are labeled ''STERILE SURGICAL SYSTEMS, LLC ** Tumwater, Washington ** Catalog # ** Quantity ** MFG Date ** Order No. ** Contents ** Contents of the unopened, undamaged package are sterile. Do not resterilize***.
The firm distributed to two hospitals located in the greater Seattle, WA area.
Descripción del producto
Sterilized gowns and towels. || C-Section Pack - contains 8 towels, 1 each large single-ply scrub nurse gown/towel, 2 each large gortex surgeons gown/towel, 2 each 36'' re-usable wrappers, 1 24'' re-usable wrapper. || Surgical gown packs, inside double wrappers, for use in surgery and operating rooms. Packs include gowns and towels. || Packages are labeled ''STERILE SURGICAL SYSTEMS, LLC ** Tumwater, Washington ** Catalog # ** Quantity ** MFG Date ** Order No. ** Contents ** Contents of the unopened, undamaged package are sterile. Do not resterilize***.
Sterile Surgical Systems Llc, 2757 29TH AVENUE S.W., Tumwater WA 98512
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Los dispositivos médicos ayudan con el diagnóstico, la prevención y el tratamiento de muchas lesiones y enfermedades. A través de la International Medical Devices Database no estamos sugiriendo que compañías u otras entidades mencionadas en la base de datos hayan sido parte de una conducta ilegal o hayan actuado de manera impropia. Un mismo dispositivo médico puede tener distintos nombres en diferentes países. Esta base de datos no busca proporcionar asesoría médica. Los pacientes deben consultar con sus médicos para determinar si la data contiene información relevante y si la misma tiene implicaciones médicas para ellos.