
  • Modelo / Serial
    1) Instrumed Product Name: Galt Trephine, 5/8"; Instrumed Product Number: 600-01091; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Galt Trephine, 5/8"; CareFusion Item Number: VM85-1273; Lot Number: 120411.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Descripción del producto
    Galt trephines are bone cutting and drilling instruments that are used without a power source on a patient's skull and sold under the CareFusion brand name.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Instrumed International, Inc., 626 Cooper Ct, Schaumburg IL 60173-4537
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source

40 dispositivos con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    1) Instrumed Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #1 22.9 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 310-21098; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #1 22.9 mm; CareFusion Item Number: VM29-7112; Lot Numbers: 07211, 100213.   2) Instrumed Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #1 22.9 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 310-21113; Trade Name: TeleFlex Medical; Teleflex Medical Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #1 22.9 mm; Teleflex Medical Item Number: VM29-7112; Lot Number: 100213.   3) Instrumed Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #2, blunt; Instrumed Product Number: 310-21113; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #2, blunt; CareFusion Item Number: VM29-71131X; Lot Number: 110110.   4) Instrumed Product Name : Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #5; Instrumed Product Number: 310-21138; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #5; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 20-4205; Lot Number: 050412.   5) Instrumed Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #5; Instrumed Product Number: 310-21138; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #5; CareFusion Item Number: GL804-001; Lot Number: 030313.   6) Instrumed Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #1 22.9 mm, quick release; Instrumed Product Number: 310-21098; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #1 22.9 mm, quick release; CareFusion Item Number: VM29-7112X; Lot Numbers: 110312, 110411.   7) Instrumed Product Name: Emmet Tenaculum Hook, #1 22.9 mm, quick release; Instrumed Product Number: 310-21098; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: EMMETT HOOK QUICK RELEASE, NO 1, BLUE RF COATED; CareFusion Item Number: GL805; Lot Numbers: 010214, 020314, 110312.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Descripción del producto
    A uterine tenaculum is a hook-like instrument used to seize and hold the cervix or fundus sold under the CareFusion, Teleflex Medical, Symmetry Surgical brand names. || A uterine tenaculum is a hook-like instrument used to seize and hold the cervix or fundus.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    1) Instrumed Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, x-del, 2 mm, 9"; Instrumed Product Number: 320-05942; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, x-del, 2 mm, 9"; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG2480081; Lot Number: 060413.   2) Instrumed Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, std, 4 mm, 9"; Instrumed Product Number: 320-05942; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: CURETTE, BIOSPY, NOVAK, 4 MM, 9", 23 CM; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG2480091; Lot Number: 100213.   3) Instrumed Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, std, 4 mm, 9"; Instrumed Product Number: 320-05942; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Navak Biopsy SuctCurette, std, 4 mm, 9"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 46-2974; Lot Number: 070512.   4) Instrumed Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, std, 4 mm, 9"; Instrumed Product Number: 320-05942; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, std, 4 mm, 9"; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 52-7050; Lot Numbers: 030412, 070512, 090212, 100213, 120412.   5) Instrumed Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, std, 4 mm, 9"; Instrumed Product Number: 320-05942; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, std, 4 mm, 9"; CareFusion Item Number: VM57-3085; Lot Numbers: 050313, 090212, 100213.   6) Instrumed Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, std, 4 mm, 9"; Instrumed Product Number: 320-05942; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, std, 4 mm, 9"; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: VM57-3085; Lot Number: 050313.   7) Instrumed Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, std, 4 mm, 9"; Instrumed Product Number: 320-05942; Trade Name: Adler Instrument Company; Adler Instrument Company Product Name: Novak Biopsy Suct Curette, std, 4 mm, 9"; Adler Instrument Company Item Number: ADG1750; Lot Number: 100213.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Descripción del producto
    An endometrial suction curette is a device used to remove material from the uterus and from the mucosal lining of the uterus by scraping and vacuum suction. This device is used to obtain tissue for biopsy or for menstrual extraction. This generic type of device may include catheters, syringes, and tissue filters or traps sold under the Medline Industries, Boss Instruments, Symmetry Surgical, CareFusion, and Adler Instrument Company brand names.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    1) Instrumed Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, lg, 12 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-01938; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, lg, 12 mm; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 54-7004; Lot Numbers: 050213, 100410.   2) Instrumed Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, lg, 12 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-01938; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, lg, 12 mm; CareFusion Item Number: VM72-3111; Lot Number: 050213.   3) Instrumed Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, med-lg, 10 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-01943; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, med-lg, 10 mm; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 54-7005; Lot Number: 060312.   4) Instrumed Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, med-lg, 10 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-01943; Trade Name: Ambler Surgical; Ambler Surgical Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, med-lg, 10 mm; Ambler Surgical Item Number: 95-203; Lot Number: 100410.   5) Instrumed Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, med, 1.5 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-01948; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, med, 1.5 mm; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 54-7006; Lot Number: 100410.   6) Instrumed Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, sm, 6.0 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-01953; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Nelson Patterson Trocar, sm, 6.0 mm; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 54-7007; Lot Number: 030312.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Descripción del producto
    A trocar is a sharp-pointed instrument used with a cannula for piercing a vessel or chamber to facilitate insertion of the cannula sold under the Symmetry Surgical, CareFusion, and Ambler Surgical brand names.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    1) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 6 1/4" Retrograde; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05626; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome 6 1/4" Retrograde; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 55-8685; Lot Numbers: 030412, 060413, 070513.   2) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 6 1/4" Retrograde; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05626; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Valvulotome 6 1/4" Retrograde; CareFusion Item Number: 55-8685; Lot Number: 070513.   3) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 6 1/4" Retrograde; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05626; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 6 1/4"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7048; Lot Numbers: 030412, 060413, 070513, 110411.   4) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Phoenix Instruments; Phoenix Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Phoenix Instruments Item Number: 155-8680; Lot Numbers: 020114, 050114, 060112, 120312.   5) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Autobahn Surgical; Autobahn Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Autobahn Surgical Item Number: 352614A; Lot Number: 120312.   6) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Echo Instruments; Echo Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Echo Instruments Item Number: 558-690; Lot Number: 070513.   7) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 155-8680; Lot Numbers: 020114, 030314, 050114, 060112, 060214, 070513, 110212, 120312.   8) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Millennium Surgical Item Number: 9-68680; Lot Numbers: 030314, 070513, 120312.   9) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: B.B.M. Surgical Instruments; B.B.M. Surgical Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; B.B.M. Surgical Instruments Item Number: BBM8680; Lot Number: 060112.   10) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Stealth Surgical; Stealth Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Stealth Surgical Item Number: SSV21161; Lot Numbers: 040513, 050114, 060112, 070513, 120312.   11) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; CareFusion Item Number: VM76-8161; Lot Numbers: 020114, 030314, 050114, 070513, 110212, 120312.   12) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7050 ; Lot Numbers: 050214, 060112, 060214.   13) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: VALVULOTOME, LEATHER, ANTEGRADE, 2.9 TIP 9.5"; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG0416536; Lot Number: 070513.   14) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Phoenix Instruments; Phoenix Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Phoenix Instruments Item Number: 155-8682; Lot Number: 070212.   15) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Autobahn Surgical; Autobahn Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Autobahn Surgical Item Number: 352613A; Lot Number: 070212.   16) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Medsaver M S I Precision; Medsaver M S I Precision Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Medsaver M S I Precision Item Number: 421637J; Lot Number: 110212.   17) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 55-8682; Lot Numbers: 020413, 030314, 050114, 060413, 070212, 100313, 110212.   18) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Surgical Direct; Surgical Direct Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Surgical Direct Item Number: 9-68680001; Lot Numbers: 060413, 100313.   19) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Millennium Surgical Item Number: SD8121.103; Lot Numbers: 050114, 060413.   20) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; CareFusion Item Number: VM76-8163; Lot Numbers: 020413, 030314, 050114, 060413, 070212, 080111, 100313, 110212.   21) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7052; Lot Numbers: 050114, 060413.   22) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: Phoenix Instruments; Phoenix Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Phoenix Instruments Item Number: 155-8681; Lot Number: 080111.   23) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 55-8681; Lot Numbers: 030314, 040214, 060413, 070212, 080111, 120413.   24) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Millennium Surgical Item Number: 9-68681; Lot Numbers: 040214, 060413.   25) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: B.B.M. Surgical Instruments; B.B.M. Surgical Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; B.B.M. Surgical Instruments Item Number: BBM8681; Lot Number: 050312.   26) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: Stealth Surgical; Stealth Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Stealth Surgical Item Number: SSV21162; Lot Numbers: 060413, 070212.   27) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; CareFusion Item Number: VM76-8162; Lot Numbers: 030314, 040214, 060413, 120413.   28) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG546940; Lot Number: 060413.   29) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 7"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05660; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 7"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7051-7; Lot Numbers: 050314, 100313.   30) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05664; Trade Name: Autobahn Surgical; Autobahn Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Autobahn Surgical Item Number: 352612A; Lot Number: 090412.   31) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05664; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 55-8684; Lot Numbers: 020311, 070513, 090412.   32) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05664; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; CareFusion Item Number: VM76-8150; Lot Numbers: 070513, 090412, 100513.   33) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05664; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 9 1/4"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7049; Lot Number: 070513.   34) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05664; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: Valvulotome, Antegrade 9 1/4" ; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG0416566; Lot Number: 090412.   35) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05669; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12" ; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7053; Lot Numbers: 020114, 050114, 050312, 060413, 090412.   36) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05669; Trade Name: Phoenix Instruments; Phoenix Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12" ; Phoenix Instruments Item Number: 155-8683; Lot Number: 060413.   37) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05669; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12" ; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 55-8683; Lot Number: 020114, 050312, 060413.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Descripción del producto
    An external vein stripper is an extravascular device used to remove a section of a vein sold under the Symmetry Surgical, CareFusion, Boss Instruments, Phoenix Instruments, Autobahn Surgical, Echo Instruments, Millennium Surgical, B.B.M. Surgical Instruments, Stealth Surgical, Medline Industries, Medsaver M S I Precision, and Surgical Direct brand names.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    1) Instrumed Product Name: Mogen Circumcision Clamp; Instrumed Product Number: 330-86212; Trade Name: Teleflex Medical; Teleflex Medical Product Name: CLAMP MOGEN; Teleflex Medical Item Number: P-16310; Lot Numbers: 010214, 030113, 050114, 060313, 100112.   2) Instrumed Product Name: Mogen Circumcision Clamp; Instrumed Product Number: 330-86212; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Mogan Circumcision Clamp, infant; Boss Instruments Item Number: 46-5190; Lot Numbers: 030113, 100112.   3) Instrumed Product Name: Mogen Circumcision Clamp; Instrumed Product Number: 330-86212; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Mogan Circumcision Clamp, infant; Millennium Surgical Item Number: 0-64227; Lot Numbers: 010214, 030112, 030113, 100112, 120413.   4) Instrumed Product Name: Mogen Circumcision Clamp; Instrumed Product Number: 330-86212; Trade Name: Phoenix Instruments; Phoenix Instruments Product Name: Mogan Circumcision Clamp, infant; Phoenix Instruments Item Number: 185-6550; Lot Number: 080111.   5) Instrumed Product Name: Mogen Circumcision Clamp; Instrumed Product Number: 330-86212; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Mogan Circumcision Clamp, infant; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 85-6550; Lot Numbers: 010214, 020411, 030112, 030113, 050114, 060313, 100112, 120111, 120413.   6) Instrumed Product Name: Mogen Circumcision Clamp; Instrumed Product Number: 330-86212; Trade Name: GICAL; GICAL Product Name: Mogan Circumcision Clamp, infant; GICAL Item Number: H156-7312; Lot Numbers: 010214, 030113.   7) Instrumed Product Name: Mogen Circumcision Clamp; Instrumed Product Number: 330-86212; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Mogan Circumcision Clamp, infant; CareFusion Item Number: VM57-6201; Lot Numbers: 010214, 030113, 050114, 080111, 100112.   8) Instrumed Product Name: Mogen Circumcision Clamp; Instrumed Product Number: 330-86212; Trade Name: Teleflex Medical; Teleflex MedicalProduct Name: Mogan Circumcision Clamp, infant; Teleflex MedicalItem Number: P-16310; Lot Number: 120111.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Descripción del producto
    A circumcision clamp is an instrument used to compress the foreskin of the penis during circumcision of a male infant sold under the Medline Industries, Boss Instruments, Millennium Surgical, Medetz Surgical, Surgical Direct, Surgipro, Teleflex Medical, Boss Instruments, Symmetry Surgical, Phoenix Instruments, GICAL, and CareFusion brand names.
  • Manufacturer
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