Device Recall Capless Li Pedicle Screw System

  • Modelo / Serial
    Product Numbers: 71088, 71692, 71708, 71750, 71761, 71781, 71807, 71849, 71881, 71090, 71693, 71709, 71751, 71762, 71787, 71808, 71850, 71882, 71092, 71694, 71710, 71752, 71763, 71789, 71809, 71851, 71885, 71682, 71695, 71711, 71753, 71764, 71791, 71810, 71857, 71886, 71686, 71696, 71712, 71755, 71765, 71793, 71811, 71858, 71889, 71687, 71698, 71716, 71756, 71766, 71795, 71813, 71859, 71893, 71688, 71700, 71746, 71757, 71767, 71797, 71814, 71873, 71894, 71689, 71701, 71747, 71758, 71768, 71799, 71815, 71874, 71896, 71690, 71705, 71748, 71759, 71769, 71801, 71816, 71877, 71897, 71691, 71707, 71749, 71760, 71780, 71806, 71817, 71878, 71899, 71900, 71937, 71957, 73417, 73427, 73440, 73453, 73470, 74073, 71903, 71939, 72184, 73418, 73428, 73441, 73454, 73471, 74097, 71904, 71940, 72419, 73419, 73429, 73445, 73455, 73472, 74098, 71907, 71943, 73409, 73420, 73430, 73446, 73456, 73760, 74099, 71908, 71944, 73411, 73421, 73431, 73447, 73464, 73761, 74100, 71911, 71947, 73412, 73422, 73433, 73448, 73465, 73762, 74101, 71912, 71948, 73413, 73423, 73435, 73449, 73466, 73763, 74102, 71915, 71952, 73414, 73424, 73437, 73450, 73467, 73886, 74103, 71916, 71953, 73415, 73425, 73438, 73451, 73468, 74047, 74104, 71936, 71956, 73416, 73426, 73439, 73452, 73469, 74072, 74105, 74107, 74125, 74143, 74293, 74305, 75280, 75297, 75307, 75317, 74108, 74127, 74144, 74294, 74306, 75282, 75299, 75308, 75318, 74109, 74129, 74285, 74295, 74307, 75283, 75300, 75309, 75319, 74110, 74131, 74286, 74296, 74432, 75284, 75301, 75310, 75320, 74111, 74132, 74287, 74299, 74987, 75285, 75302, 75311, 75321, 74112, 74134, 74288, 74300, 74991, 75287, 75303, 75312, 75322, 74116, 74135, 74289, 74301, 75248, 75289, 75304, 75313, 75323, 74119, 74137, 74290, 74302, 75273, 75291, 75305, 75314, 75324, 74121, 74139, 74291, 74303, 75276, 75293, 75305, 75315, 75333, 74123, 74141, 74292, 74304, 75278, 75295, 75306, 75316, 75334, 75335, 75355, 75376, 76369, 76536, 76593, 76602, 76613, 76639, 75336, 75358, 75377, 76370, 76537, 76593, 76603, 76614, 76640, 75337, 75360, 75379, 76372, 76538, 76594, 76605, 76615, 76642, 75338, 75362, 75382, 76374, 76540, 76595, 76606, 76616, 76737, 75344, 75364, 75384, 76375, 76542, 76596, 76607, 76618, 77253, 75346, 75365, 75386, 76376, 76588, 76597, 76608, 76619, 77260, 75346, 75367, 75588, 76377, 76589, 76598, 76609, 76621, 77261, 75350, 75370, 75798, 76406, 76590, 76599, 76610, 76629, 77262, 75351, 75372, 75802, 76407, 76591, 76600, 76611, 76630, 77263, 75353, 75375, 76139, 76534, 76592, 76601, 76612, 76638, 77264, 77265, 77811, 77852, 79382, 77266, 77815, 78174, 77267, 77817, 78175, 77270, 77820, 78176, 77322, 77823, 78518, 77647, 77851 and 79040.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution -- Including states of AZ, CA, CO, FL, ID, IN, MO, MS, NV, OK, TN, TX, UT and WY and countries of Spain, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
  • Descripción del producto
    Capless Li Pedicle Screw System, Diameters - 4.75mm, 5.5mm, 6.5mm, 7.5mm, 8.25mm, Lengths 30mm-55mm, labeled non-sterile. || The Capless LI Pedicle Screw System is indicated for the treatment of sever spondylolisthesis of the L5-S1 vertebra in skeletally mature patients receiving fusion by autogenous bone graft.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    X Spine Systems Inc, 452 Alexandersville Rd, Miamisburg OH 45342-3658
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source