Device Recall G3 Opticage Expandable Interbody Fusion Device

  • Modelo / Serial
    Lot no. 011416-D 021216-A 021216-B 032015-B 032015-C 033116-B 040915-B 040915-E 041416-A 060116-A 060116-B 060116-C 061616-B 061915-A 061915-B 070714-D 071116-A 071116-B 071116-C 071516-A 071516-B 071916-A 081016-A 081016-B 081016-C 083116-B 083116-B 091516-A 112515-A 033116-C 030716-A 081016-E 090216-C 090216-C 090216-D 030716-B 011416-E 021216-C 081016-F 081016-G 090216-A 090216-A 090216-B 081016-H 083116-C 083116-C 083116-D
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution to NY, NC, SC, PA, TX, OH, GA, NJ, DE, AZ, DC, CA, and VA.
  • Descripción del producto
    G3 Opticage Expandable Interbody Fusion Device, Model No. 9180-00, 9180-01, 9180-06, 9180-07, 9180-17, 9101-00, 9101-06 || The Opticage Expandable Interbody Fusion Device is a posterior lumbar intervertebral body fusion device and is indicated for use with autogenous bone graft in patients with degenerative disc disease (DDD) at one or two contiguous levels from L2-S1. These DDD patients may also have up to Grade I spondylolisthesis or retrolisthesis at the involved level(s). The Opticage Interbody Fusion Device can be implanted via posterior, transforaminal or lateral approach. DDD is defined as discogenic back pain with degeneration of the disc confirmed by history and radiographic studies. Candidates for surgery should be skeletally mature and have had six months of conservative treatment. These patients may have had primary or secondary surgery, but no previous fusion at the involved levels. The device is not intended to be used as a stand-alone device. It must be used with supplemental internal spinal fixation systems that have been cleared for use in the lumbar spine (i.e. facet screw fixation systems, facet compression devices and posterior pedicle screw and rod systems).
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Interventional Spine Inc, 13700 Alton Pkwy Ste 160, Irvine CA 92618-1618
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source