Device Recall SpeedLink 5.5 Transverse Connector

  • Modelo / Serial
    10FV, 10FV, 10UH, 10UL, 10ZD, 10ZN, 11GF, 11ZV, 12LU, 13WY, 15EB, 15XW, 16RC, 17YL, 18JZ, 20PX, 22JB, 27LJ, 28NG, 29RB, 30HN, 30NQ, 32YW, 34ER, 34WC, 35JA, 35SZ, 36FE, 36NW, 37RG, 37XY, 38PG, 38YF, 39JC, 39RH, 40ED, 40TT, 41GY, 42EC, 44CM, 44KP, 45BE, 45KA, 45NH, 45WZ, 55QF, 55QG, 55QH, 56FD, 56JF, 6AW, 6JW, 8BM, 9FY, 9UQ,
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The devices are contained in implant cases stocked by Zimmer spine and made available to the Zimmer sales force for surgeries. They are not in general distribution.
  • Descripción del producto
    SpeedLink 5.5 Transverse Connector Long 50-65mm, non-sterile, 1302-55L
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Zimmer Inc., 345 E Main St, Warsaw IN 46580-2746
  • Source

3 dispositivos con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    10FT, 10FX, 10UJ, 10UM, 10ZB, 10ZJ, 10ZL, 11SJ, 12LS, 13WW, 15EA, 15XU, 17YJ, 18JX, 19KS, 20PZ, 22HZ, 27LG, 28NE, 29QZ, 30HM, 30NN, 32HK, 32YT, 34EQ, 34WA, 35HY, 36FC, 36NX, 37XT, 38PE, 38YD, 39JE, 39RF, 40EE, 40TR, 41GZ, 42EA, 43GM, 43TP, 44KM, 45JY, 45NF, 45WR, 55QM, 55QN, 55QP, 56JH, 5NH, 6AU, 6JU, 8BK.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The devices are contained in implant cases stocked by Zimmer spine and made available to the Zimmer sales force for surgeries. They are not in general distribution.
  • Descripción del producto
    SpeedLink 5.5 Transverse Connector Short 39.5-44mm, non-sterile, 1302-55S
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    10FU, 10FY, 10UG, 10UK, 10ZC, 10ZK, 10ZM, 11GE, 11ZU, 12LT, 13CJ, 13WX, 14ME, 15EC, 15XV, 16RB, 17YK, 18JY, 19KT, 20PY, 22JA, 27LH, 28NF, 29RA, 30HL, 30NP, 32YS, 34EP, 34WB, 35HZ, 35SY, 36FD, 36NT, 37RF, 37XW, 38PF, 38YE, 39JF, 39RG, 40EF, 40TS, 41HA, 42EB, 43GN, 43TQ, 44CL, 44KN, 45BD, 45JZ, 45NG, 45WS, 55QJ, 55QK, 55QL, 56FE.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The devices are contained in implant cases stocked by Zimmer spine and made available to the Zimmer sales force for surgeries. They are not in general distribution.
  • Descripción del producto
    SpeedLink 5.5 Transverse Connector Medium 43-51mm, non-sterile, 1302-55M
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    10FW, 10GA, 13WZ, 14MF, 15ED, 15XX, 19KV, 20QA, 22JC, 27LK, 28NH, 29RC, 30NR, 32HL, 34ES, 34WD, 35JB, 35TA, 36FF, 36NY, 37XZ, 38PH, 38YG, 39JD, 39RJ, 45KB, 5PB, 6AX, 6JX and 8BN.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The devices are contained in implant cases stocked by Zimmer spine and made available to the Zimmer sales force for surgeries. They are not in general distribution.
  • Descripción del producto
    SpeedLink 5.5 Transverse Connector X-Long 60-75mm, non-sterile, 1302-55XL
  • Manufacturer