Designer Care Cliner 6700/6704/6710

  • Modelo / Serial
    Model 6700, 6704 and 6710.  Serial numbers: 670A100027, 670A100028, 670A100323, 670100082, 670100083, 670A100101, 670A100021, 670A100324, 670A100325, 670A100284, 670A100242, 670100005, 670100124, 670100125, 670100181, 670100182, 670100183, 670100184, 670100185, 670100186, 670100026, 670A100004, 670A100036, 670A100037, 670A100038, 670A100039, 670A100040, 670A100041, 670A100042, 670A100043, 670A100044, 670A100124, 670A100135, 670A100138, 670A100137, 670A100278, 670A100299, 670A100308, 670A100345, 670A100365, 670A100191, 670A100243, 670A100303, 670100027, 670100193, 670A100244, 670A100245, 670A100246, 670100018, 670100022, 670100021, 670100020, 670100175, 670100176, 670100177, 670100171, 670100187, 670100188, 670100189, and 670100190
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including CA, FL, IL, MA, MD, MN, NM, NY, OH, OK, and TX.
  • Descripción del producto
    Designer Care Cliner 6700/6704/6710 || WITH CAL TB 133 UPGRADE PURCHASED JAN 01, 2011 TO AUGUST 20, 2012. A multi position recliner with a steel frame used primarily in clinics, hospitals, and treatment centers for recovery, dialysis, oncology, examination, infusion.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Winco Mfg., LLC, 5516 SW 1st Ln, Ocala FL 34474-9307
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source