Device Recall AdTech Electrode Connection System/Cables

  • Modelo / Serial
    Lot Numbers: 208140507, 208140552, 208140556, 208140559, 208140560, 208140561, 208140562, 208140563, 208140564R, 208140579, 208140581, 208140586, 208140588R, 208140590, 208140604.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Distributed in the states of GA and MI, and the countries of FRANCE, UNITED KINGDOM, COLOMBIA, and BRAZIL.
  • Descripción del producto
    Ad-Tech Electrode Connection System/Cables. Lightweight TECH-ATTACH Cable Models: || 1. L-DCL-4DINX (4 contacts: 1 terminal block with 4 connectors each); || 2. L-DCL-6DINX (6 contacts: 1 terminal block with 6 connectors each); || 3. L-DCL-8DINX (8 contacts: 1 terminal block with 8 connectors each); || 4. L-DCL-16BDINX (16 contacts: 1 terminal block with 16 connectors each); || 5. L-DCL-32BDINX (32 contacts: 2 terminal blocks with 16 connectors each); || 6. L-DCL-64BDINX (64 contacts: 4 terminal blocks with 16 connectors each). || FO TECH-ATTACH Connection Cable model FO-LDC-4DINX (4 contacts: 1 terminal block with 4 connectors each). || Tech-Attach: these cables require the use of an additional component - the connector block. The tail of the electrode is inserted into the block and the block in turn mates with the cable. A key-pin is used to ensure proper orientation. The cable terminated in EEG compatible connector sockets. || Lightweight CABRIO Cable, model L-SRL-64BDINX (64 contacts: 4 terminal blocks with 16 connectors each). Cabrio cables are similar to Tech-Attach cables except that the block portion is pre-attached. The tail of an electrode is inserted into this portion which then hinges shut.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event
