Device Recall Rehab Tough and Tilt (TNT)

  • Modelo / Serial
    Serial numbers: 32071-0304, 32390-0904, 32394-0904, 32420-0904, 32492-1004, 32584-1204, 32777-0305, 32849-0405, 32903-0505, 32956-0705, 32989-0805,  33689-1206,32585-1204, 33139- 0905, 33749-0606,  33750-0606, 33966-0806, 34222-1106, 34187-1206,  34277-1206, 34752-0707, 35390-0508, 35613-0908,  35956-0309, 35980-0309, 36264-0909, 36423-1209,  36460-1209, and 36648-0310
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) nad the countries of: Australia and Canada
  • Descripción del producto
    Gas cylinders used in Gunnell manual wheelchairs with dynamic recline feature, including: Rehab Tough and Tilt (TNT). || Product Usage: The purpose of these wheelchairs is to provide mobility to individuals limited to a seating position. They may also be used as attendant propelled transport devices in a health care environment such as a hospital, nursing home or extended care facility.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Gunnell, Inc., 8440 State Rd, Millington MI 48746-9445
  • Source

Dispositivo con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    Serial Numbers: 36977-1210, 37194-0312, 37455-1111, 37606-0312, 36988-1210, 37220-0511, 37484-1111, 37614-0312, 36999-1210, 37234-0511, 37495-1211, 37628-0312, 37000-1210, 37273-0611, 37497-0711, 37632-0312, 37003-1210, 37305-0711, 37515-1211, 37633-0312, 37014-1210, 37307-0711, 37520-1211, 37636-0312, 37061-0211, 37333-0711, 37521-1211, 37637-0411, 37067-0111, 37348-0811, 37523-1211, 37675-0412, 37094-0211, 37374-0911, 37537-0112, 37681-0412, 37114-0211, 37393-0911, 37555-0112, 37286-0511, 37122-0211, 37394-0911, 37576-0212, 37296-0611, 37137-0311, 37440-1011, 37584-0212, 37141-0311, 37448-1011, 37594-0212, 37185-0311, 37449-1011, 37601-0312.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution-including the states of Florida, Michigan, South Carolina, California, Texas, Maryland, New York, Tennessee, Virginia, Illinois, Ohio, Massachusetts, Arizona and Washington.
  • Descripción del producto
    Chenica Gunnell Rehab Series of Wheelchairs (GRSW); Mechanical Wheelchair, Sold as Rehab Tough and Tilt (TNT), Rehab Recline and Mobility (RAM), Rehab Kidster (Kidster). Provide mobility to individuals limited to a seating position.
  • Manufacturer