Device Recall Roscoe Transport Rollator

  • Modelo / Serial
    30194, Roscoe Transport Rollator, Blue 30192, Roscoe Transport Rollator, Burgundy MH140401502-MH140401890 MH140500217-MH140500466 MH140406602-MH140406891 MH140407092-MH140407291
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution: US including states of: AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KY, LA< MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, NC, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI,and WY.
  • Descripción del producto
    Transport Rollator with Padded Seat; Large 8-inch wheels with wheel locks (indoor and outdoor use), fold down footrests, ergonomic handles, curved padded backrest and handy wire basket for storage. Item# 30192 Burgundy each/Item# 30194 Blue each.. || Transport Rollator is a wheeled rollator with an additional push bar that can be used to push an end-user for short trips. (Walker, Mechanical)
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Roscoe Medical Inc, 21973 Commerce Pkwy, Strongsville OH 44149-5558
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source