• Modelo / Serial
    The following model and serial numbers are affected by this recall:  Model Number: 882454 Serial Number(s): 11000021, 11000082, and 11000111.   Model Number: 882482 Serial Number(s): 6000002, 6000003, 6000004A, 6000005, 6000010, 6000011, 6000012, 6000013, 6000015, 6000016, 6000017, 6000018, 6000019, 6000020, 6000022, 6000023, 6000024, 6000025, 6000026, 6000027, 6000028, 6000029, 6000030, 6000031, 6000033, 6000036, 6000037, 6000038,6000040,6000041, 60000042, 6000043, 6000044, 6000045, 6000047, 6000048, 6000049, 6000050, 6000051, 6000052, 6000053, 6000054, 6000055, 6000056, 6000058, 6000059, 6000060, 6000061, 6000062, 6000063, 6000064, 6000065, 6000066, 6000067, 6000069, 6000070, 6000071, 6000072, 6000073, 6000074, 6000076, 6000077, 6000078, 6000079, 6000080, 6000081, 6000082, 6000083, 6000084, 6000085, 6000086, 6000087, 6000088, 6000089, 6000090, 6000091, 6000092, 6000093, 6000094, 6000095, 6000096, 6000097, 6000098, 6000099, 6000100, 6000101, 6000102, 6000103, 6000104, 6000105, 6000106, 6000107, 6000108, 6000109, 6000110, 6000111, 6000112, 6000113, 6000114, 6000115, 6000116, 6000117, 6000118, 6000119, 6000120, 6000121, 6000122, 6000123, 6000125, 6000126, 6000127, 6000128, 6000129, 6000130, 6000131, 6000132, 6000133, 6000134, 6000136, 6000138, 6000139, 6000140, 6000141, 6000142, 6000143, 6000144, 6000145, 6000146, 6000147, 6000148, 6000149, 6000150, 6000151, 6000152, 6000153, 6000154, 6000155, 6000156, 6000157, 6000158, 6000159, 6000160, 6000161, 6000162, 6000163, 6000164, 6000165, 6000166, 6000167, 6000168, 6000169, 6000170, 6000171, 6000172, 6000173, 6000174, 6000175, 6000176, 6000177, 6000178, 6000179, 6000180, 6000181, 6000182, 6000183, 6000184, 6000185, 6000186, 6000187, 6000188, 6000189, 6000190, 6000191, 6000192, 6000193, 6000194, 6000195, 6000196, 6000197, 6000198, 6000199, 6000200, 6000201, 6000202, 6000203, 6000204, 6000205, 6000206, 6000208, 6000209, 6000210, 6000211, 6000212, 6000213, 6000214, 6000215, 6000216, 6000217, 6000218, 6000219, 6000220, 6000221, 6000222, 6000223, 6000224, 6000225, 6000226, 6000227, 6000228, 6000229, 6000230, 6000231, 6000232, 6000233, 6000234, 6000235, 6000236, 6000237, 6000238, 6000239, 6000240, 6000241, 6000242, 6000243, 6000244, 6000245, 6000246, 6000247, 6000249, 6000250, 6000251, 6000252, 6000253, 6000254, 6000255, 6000256, 6000257, 6000258, 6000259, 6000260, 6000262, 6000263, 6000264, 6000265, 6000266, 6000267, 6000268, 6000269, 6000270, 6000271,6 000272, 6000273, 6000274, 6000275, 6000276, 6000277, 6000278, 6000279, 6000280, 6000281, 6000282, 6000283, 6000284, 6000285, 6000286, 6000287, 6000288, 6000290, 6000291, 6000292, 6000293, 6000294, 6000295, 6000296, 6000297, 6000298, 6000299, 6000300, 6000302, 6000303, 6000305, 6000306, 6000307, 6000308, 6000309, 6000310, 6000311, 6000312, 6000313, 6000314, 6000315, 6000316, 6000317, 6000318, 6000319, 6000320, 6000321, 6000322, 6000323, 6000324, 6000325, 6000326, 6000327, 6000328, 6000329, 6000330, 6000331, 6000332, 6000333, 6000334, 6000335, 6000336, 6000337, 6000338, 6000339, 6000341, 6000342, 6000343, 6000344, 6000345, 6000348, 6000349, 6000350, 6000351, 6000352, 6000353, 6000354, 6000355, 6000356, 6000357, 6000358, 6000359, 6000360, 6000361, 6000362, 6000364, 6000365, 6000366, 6000367, 6000368, 6000369, 6000370, 6000371, 6000372, 6000373, 6000375, 6000376, 6000377, 6000378, 6000379, 6000380, 6000381, 6000382, 6000383, 6000384, 6000385, 6000386, 6000387, 6000388, 6000389, 6000390, 6000392, 6340008, 11000021, 11000082, and 11000111.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - USA including AZ, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, IL, KY, MA, MD, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NJ, ND, NE, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SD, TX, VT, WA, and WI. Internationally to Canada, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom.
  • Descripción del producto
    BrightView XCT is a gamma camera for Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), one unit per box. || BrightView XCT is a gamma camera for Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and integrates with an attenuation device consisting of flat panel x-ray imaging components. BrightView XCT produces non-attenuation corrected SPECT images and attenuation corrected SPECT images with x-ray transmission data that may also be used for scatter correction. The nuclear medicine images and the XCT images may be registered and displayed in a fused format (overlaid in the same orientation) to provide anatomical localization of the nuclear medicine data.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Philips Medical Systems (Cleveland) Inc, 595 Miner Rd, Cleveland OH 44143-2131
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source

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