Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) and to the countries of : SA, Russia, South Korea, UK, Japan, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Greece
Descripción del producto
nordicTumorEx 1.0 || nordicTumorEx is an image processing software package to be used by trained professionals including but not limited to physicians and medical technicians. The software runs on a standard off-the-shelf PC workstation and can be used to perform image viewing, processing and analysis of medical images. Data and images are acquired through DICOM compliant imaging devices and modalities. nordicTumorEx software enables processing and visualization of dynamic MR imaging datasets of the brain, showing properties of changes in contrast overtime. It generates various parametric images calculated from the image intensity variations and provides tools to extract and visualize such parametric properties within specified volumes of interest. Structural datasets providing anatomical information can be sued to evaluate the extent of a specified sub-volume, such as a tumor. Comparison of imaging studies performed at different study dates may also be performed to support the diagnostic process.