
  • Modelo / Serial
    Site numbers: 10009, 10353, 10396, 10432, 13057, 13058, 38134, 38317, 41391, 41441, 62832, 63046, 76919, 82507, 82534, 82582, 82678, 82955, 83051, 83080, 83301, 83303, 83306, 83325, 83395, 83396, 83616, 83631, 83802, 83804, 83916, 83940, 83941, 83946, 83995, 84418, 84433, 84477, 84478, 84484, 84700, 84820, 84860, 84861, 84887, 84899, 85023, 85119, 85139, 85141, 85157, 85158, 85172, 85433, 85436, 85442, 85443, 85500, 85684, 85685, 85686, 85688, 86012, 86019, 86020, 86056, 86080, 86082, 86083, 86085, 86121, 86147, 86148, 86184, 86235, 86236, 86248, 86250, 86280, 86281, 86287, 86292, 86293, 86313, 86316, 86317, 86334, 86335, 86368, 86379, 86380, 86381, 86404, 86406, 86407, 86408, 86409, 86410, 86413, 86555, 86556, 86557, 86558, 86559, 86560, 86570, 86595, 86596, 86597, 86925, 86968, 87010, 87011, 87018, 87019, 87033, 87034, 87036, 87038, 87053, 87062, 87067, 87135, 87145, 87146, 87147, 87148, 87161, 87168, 87183, 87188, 87309, 87310, 87311, 87355, 87526, 87527, 87604, 87605, 87607, 100214, 100323, 100449, 100459, 100460, 100461, 100462, 100469, 100478, 100629, 100679, 100745, 100785, 100786, 100826, 100832, 100886, 100916, 101056, 101070, 101084, 101111, 101138, 101162, 101165, 101206, 101313, 101347, 101408, 101412, 101416, 101420, 101423, 101425, 101429, 101431, 101432, 101477, 101481, 101551, 101560, 101561, 101572, 101584, 101585, 101595, 101608, 101780, 101874, 101877, 101878, 101934, 101946, 101953, 101976, 102003, 102004, 102018, 102095, 102101, 102110, 102137, 102157, 102194, 102353, 102492, 102497, 102524, 102547, 102548, 102561, 102569, 102571, 102614, 102617, 102671, 102698, 102699, 102709, 102718, 102724, 102786, 102827, 102889, 102907, 102933, 102975, 102978, 102980, 103041, 103062, 103064, 103065, 103068, 103098, 103099, 103101, 103126, 103135, 103136, 103142, 103143, 103149, 103151, 103166, 103171, 103207, 103215, 103243, 103247, 103249, 103258, 103286, 103291, 103324, 103333, 103347, 103351, 103373, 103416, 103417, 103450, 103509, 103530, 103540, 103544, 103547, 103552, 103579, 103580, 103582, 103592, 103611, 103620, 103631, 103647, 103665, 103688, 103703, 103704, 103770, 103779, 103782, 103808, 103811, 103817, 103818, 103847, 103904, 103907, 103909, 103911, 103946, 104019, 104022, 104027, 104032, 104054, 104069, 104070, 104079, 104082, 104095, 104102, 104124, 104134, 104138, 104144, 104193, 104336, 104340, 104343, 104378, 104392, 104393, 104446, 104467, 104531, 104532, 104635, 104639, 104765, 104800, 104808, 104871, 104880, 104886, 104887, 104897, 104900, 104901, 104912, 104918, 104919, 104928, 104942, 105148, 105252, 105271, 105290, 105303, 105311, 105313, 105314, 105315, 105317, 105348, 105358, 105368, 105373, 105424, 105471, 105486, 105487, 105488, 105509, 105657, 105664, 105679, 105687, 105695, 105720, 105741, 105925, 105926, 105929, 105938, 225313, 250033, 250050, 250122, 250156, 250180, 250229, 250293, 250498, 250890, 500007, 500009, 500010, 500034, 500051, 504243, 504249, 504298, 504335, 504342, 504346, 504349, 504350, 504351, 504353, 504400, 504403, 504409, 504412, 504527, 504531, 504543, 504608, 504628, 504653, 504662, 504670, 504738, 504741, 504793, 504866, 504899, 504927, 504952, 504954, 504974, 504979, 505007, 505021, 505049, 505050, 505275, 505337, 505399, 505400, 505490, 505514, 505568, 505678, 505682, 505688, 505689, 505777, 505785, 505815, 505914, 505940, 505941, 505943, 506034, 506044, 506120, 506183, 506188, 506190, 506203, 506219, 506296, 506324, 506385, 506570, 506670, 506691, 506777, 506784, 519129, 519133, 519147, 519525, 519545, 519569, 519765, 519890, 520002, 520113, 520176, 520190, 520354, 520355, 520579, 520662, 520679, 520700, 520708, 520709, 520754, 520765, 521228, 521415, 521429, 521432, 521524, 521678, 521751, 521908, 521911, 521927, 521939, 522297, 522419, 522421, 522441, 530363, 530364, 530366, 530651, 531652, 531712, 531766, 531925, 531934, 532282, 532463, 532705, 532709, 532710, 532711, 533489, 533682, 533953, 534643, 534676, 534684, 534686, 534695, 534765, 534777, 535327, 535328, 535329, 535330, 535486, 535505, 536126, 536318, 536482, 536589, 536885, 537391, 537690, 537980, 538077, 538253, 538429, 538800, 538841, 539236, 539276, 539280, 539281, 539531, 539585, 539597, 539644, 539882, 540285, 540412, 540454, 540793, 540794, 540945, 541125, 541441, 541442, 541575, 541740, 541819, 541827, 541973, 542116, 542270, 542275, 542580, 543118, 543119, 543280, 543293, 543724, 543824, 543892, 543966, 543976, 544085, 544112, 544116, 545008, 545084, 545255, 545541, 545573, 545832, 545842, 545940, 545952, 545965, 545980, 546177, 546970, 547066, 547075, 547235, 547261, 547587, 547903, 547934, 547953, 547979, 547985, 548050, 548065, 548320, 549239, 549243, 549429, 549592, 549858, 550035, 550057, 550060, 550085, 550256, 550391, 550422, 550909, 551037, 551689, 552498, 552508, 555563, 556188, 556698, 557713, 557720, 41691292, 41923351, 43668550, 557722/ X1670, 557723/X1730, 557724/X1743, 557759/X1215, 557760/X1216, 557791/X1412, 557793/X1523, 557798/X1577, 557799/X1594, 557804/X1649, 557805/X1662, 557806/X1668, 557807/X1693, 557813/X1753, 557814/X1756, 557843/X1759, 558147/X1281, 558177/X1595, 558200/X1740, 558364/X1562, 558367/X1593, 558369/X1602, 558371/X1648, 558373/X1664, 558374/X1669, 558379/X1739, 558380/X1741, 558381/X1742, and 558382/X1744.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Units were distributed throughout the US to 1,078 hospitals and medical centers.
  • Descripción del producto
    Intera MRI
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Philips Medical Systems North America Co. Phillips, 22100 Bothell Everett Hwy, Bothell WA 98021-8431
  • Source

109 dispositivos con un nombre similar

Más información acerca de la data acá

  • Modelo / Serial
    Site Numbers:  10009, 10353, 10409, 10432, 13056, 13057, 13894, 17648, 25958, 25986, 26201, 26219, 26269, 35394, 37986, 38111, 38134, 38143, 38303, 38304, 38420, 38438, 38966, 41345, 41391, 45016, 50336, 59435, 59637, 59712, 62450, 62658, 62832, 63046, 76320, 76321, 76359, 76475, 76847, 82546, 82619, 83080, 83301, 83303, 83306, 83325, 83394, 83396, 83804, 83876, 83940, 83946, 83995, 84433, 84477, 84478, 84700, 84820, 84860, 84887, 84899, 85119, 85139, 85141, 85157, 85158, 85172, 85433, 85442, 85500, 85684, 85685, 85686, 85688, 86019, 86056, 86080, 86085, 86121, 86147, 86184, 86236, 86280, 86281, 86292, 86293, 86313, 86317, 86334, 86335, 86381, 86404, 86406, 86407, 86410, 86557, 86560, 86570, 86595, 86596, 86968, 87011, 87018, 87033, 87038, 87053, 87135, 87145, 87146, 87147, 87148, 87161, 87168, 87183, 87188, 87309, 87310, 87526, 87527, 87605, 87607, 100214, 100459, 100460, 100462, 100469, 100478, 100745, 100785, 100786, 100826, 100832, 100916, 101084, 101111, 101138, 101162, 101165, 101206, 101313, 101347, 101408, 101420, 101429, 101431, 101477, 101481, 101551, 101561, 101584, 101585, 101595, 101608, 101780, 101874, 101877, 101878, 101934, 101946, 101976, 102003, 102004, 102018, 102095, 102110, 102137, 102492, 102547, 102548, 102561, 102569, 102571, 102671, 102709, 102718, 102724, 102889, 102907, 102933, 102975, 102978, 102980, 103041, 103062, 103068, 103099, 103126, 103135, 103136, 103142, 103143, 103149, 103166, 103171, 103207, 103215, 103243, 103247, 103291, 103324, 103333, 103347, 103351, 103417, 103450, 103509, 103530, 103540, 103544, 103547, 103552, 103579, 103580, 103582, 103592, 103611, 103631, 103665, 103688, 103703, 103770, 103782, 103789, 103811, 103847, 103904, 103946, 104022, 104032, 104054, 104069, 104070, 104082, 104095, 104102, 104138, 104163, 104193, 104336, 104340, 104343, 104378, 104392, 104393, 104446, 104467, 104532, 104639, 104765, 104800, 104808, 104871, 104886, 104887, 104897, 104900, 104901, 104912, 104918, 104919, 104942, 105148, 105252, 105271, 105290, 105303, 105314, 105315, 105317, 105348, 105368, 105471, 105486, 105488, 105624, 105657, 105687, 105695, 105741, 105925, 105926, 105929, 105938, 225313, 250050, 250122, 250156, 250293, 250890, 500009, 500034, 504243, 504249, 504342, 504353, 504400, 504403, 504409, 504412, 504527, 504531, 504543, 504608, 504628, 504662, 504670, 504738, 504866, 505021, 505049, 505050, 505275, 505337, 505357, 505490, 505514, 505568, 505678, 505777, 505785, 505914, 505940, 505941, 505943, 506034, 506044, 506188, 506190, 506203, 506219, 506296, 506324, 506389, 506570, 506691, 506777, 519124, 519127, 519129, 519147, 519216, 519522, 519525, 519545, 520002, 520113, 520354, 520709, 521429, 530363, 530651, 531767, 533741, 536318, 536649, 542669, 544006, 544503, 545940, 546669, 547235, 550391, 556698, 557719, 557722, 557723, 557724, 557791, 557793, 557801, 557805, 557806, 557807, 557813, 557814, 557843, 557844, 557904, 558118, 558147, 558177, 558200, 558369, 558371, 558374, 558381, 558382, 41923351, and 43668550.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution: in the states of AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VA, WA, WI, WV, WY, and Washington DC. There were no foreign consignees.
  • Descripción del producto
    The product's marketing brochure states: "1.5T coils and accessories...Philips Achieva and Intera 1.5T MR systems". || The Identification of the Synergy Flex-M/ Shoulder Coil 1.5T can be found on the driver box. The 12nc of the affected system is labeled as 4522-131-6656x.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Lot numbers: ROB034, ROB035, ROB036, ROB037, ROB038, ROB042, ROB044, ROB045, ROB046, ROB047, ROB048, ROB049, ROB050, ROB051, ROB053, ROB054, ROB055, ROB056, ROB057, ROB059, ROB060, ROB061, ROB062, ROB062, ROB063, ROB066, ROB067, ROB069, ROB070, ROB071, ROB072, ROB073, ROB074, ROB075, ROB076, ROB077, ROB078, ROB079, ROB080, ROB081, ROB082, ROB083, ROB084, ROB085, ROB086, ROB088, ROB093, ROB094, ROB096, ROB097, ROB098, ROB099, ROB100, ROB101, ROB102, ROB103, ROB104, ROB107, ROB108, ROB109, ROB110, ROB112, ROB114, ROB116, ROB117, ROB118, ROB120, ROB121, ROB122, ROB123, ROB124.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide distribution: USA including states of: AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IA, IL, LA, MI, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OK, OH, OR, PA, RI, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, and WV; and countries of: Scotland, Italy and Korea.
  • Descripción del producto
    Labeling for RIO Robot Unit is comprised of three main components: 20399 RIO SURGICAL ARM, 201251 RIO GUIDANCE MODULE, 200294 RIO CAMERA STAND ASSEMBLY***PN 203999 SN ROB 125 2010-12 V 100/120/230 A 9.6/8.0/4.2 Hz 50/60 Class I Equipment. Conforms to IEC 60601-1/A2: 1995, EN 60601-1/A2: 1995 UL 60601-1: 2003, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 601.1-M90.***Manufactured in USA***MAKO SURGICAL CORP. 2555 DAVIE ROAD, FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33317. || RIO System - The Tactile Guidance System v2.0 is intended to assist the surgeon in providing software defined spatial boundaries for orientation and reference information to anatomical structures during orthopedic procedures. The Tactile Guidance System v2.0 is indicated for use in surgical knee procedures, in which the use of stereotactic surgery may be approriate, and where reference to rigid anatomical bony structures can be identified relative to a CT base model of the anatomy. These procedures include unicondylar knee replacement and/or patellofemoral knee replacement.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
  • Descripción del producto
    Ingenia, Intera, Achieva and Multiva MR Systems on R5.1.1 and R5.1.2
  • Manufacturer
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