Vision (Vision C, Vision U, and Vision V)

  • Modelo / Serial
    US Systems: System SN VC17J-02002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-3 0019; System SN VC17F-01002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-3 0035; System SN VC17C-01002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-3 0031;   International Systems: System SN VC17J-02002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-3 0034; System SN VC17I-01002, Column SN BA-215-1500-792-1 0016; System SN VC17G-02002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-3 0023; System SN VC16K-01002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-3 0032;
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US Distribution to the states of : FL, LA, MD, MS, NJ, and NY., and to the countries of : Czech Republic, Germany, Serbia, Switzerland, Taiwan, and United Kingdom.
  • Descripción del producto
    Visaris Vision/Auto, ddRAura OTC APS, Diagnostic X-Ray System, Version 2.4 || The Vision systems are intended for use in all areas of diagnostic radiography imaging and specifically at secondary and tertiary levels of medical care. Powerful positioning capability makes this system particularly suited for institutions with immobile or hardly mobile patients, such as trauma wards and emergency departments. The system s versatility also makes it suitable for unified diagnostic imaging services for medium size hospitals where this system can cover all diagnostic radiography needs. In general, Vision systems are intended to position the patient, x-ray source and digital detector in such a way as to expose only the desired patient anatomy to X-rays and capture the resulting x-ray image. They are then intended to process the acquired image to a diagnostic viewing level and export it in DICOM format through an option of several distribution media including film, paper, CD-DVD and digital PACS archives. The system is intended for routine, daily, dedicated use in radiographic diagnosis. It can be used in any type of specialized radiology wards or for general radiographic diagnostics
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Visaris DOO, Batajnicki Drum 10 Deo 1B, Belgrade
  • Source

2 dispositivos con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    System SN VC16B-02002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-30008; System SN VC15L-02002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-30015; System SN VC15L-01002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-30011; System SN VC15J-01002, Column SN BA-215-1500-792-10001; System SN VC15I-02001, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-30006
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US Distribution to the states of : FL, LA, MD, MS, NJ, and NY., and to the countries of : Czech Republic, Germany, Serbia, Switzerland, Taiwan, and United Kingdom.
  • Descripción del producto
    Visaris Vision/Auto, ddRAura OTC APS, Diagnostic X-Ray System, Version 2.2 || The Vision systems are intended for use in all areas of diagnostic radiography imaging and specifically at secondary and tertiary levels of medical care. Powerful positioning capability makes this system particularly suited for institutions with immobile or hardly mobile patients, such as trauma wards and emergency departments. The system s versatility also makes it suitable for unified diagnostic imaging services for medium size hospitals where this system can cover all diagnostic radiography needs. In general, Vision systems are intended to position the patient, x-ray source and digital detector in such a way as to expose only the desired patient anatomy to X-rays and capture the resulting x-ray image. They are then intended to process the acquired image to a diagnostic viewing level and export it in DICOM format through an option of several distribution media including film, paper, CD-DVD and digital PACS archives. The system is intended for routine, daily, dedicated use in radiographic diagnosis. It can be used in any type of specialized radiology wards or for general radiographic diagnostics
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    US Systems: System SN VC16J-01002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-3 0022; System SN VC16F-04002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-3 0026; System SN VC16E-02002, Column SN BA-215-1500-792-1 0004; System SN VC16E-01002, Column SN BA-215-1500-792-1 0003; System SN VC15K-01002, Column SN BA-215-1500-792-1 0002;  International Systems: System SN VC16H-01002, Column SN BA-215-1500-792-1 0007; System SN VC16F-03002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-3 0007; System SN VC16F-01002, Column SN BA-215-1500-792-1 0004; System SN VC16F-02002, Column SN BA-215-1800-862-1-3 0012;
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US Distribution to the states of : FL, LA, MD, MS, NJ, and NY., and to the countries of : Czech Republic, Germany, Serbia, Switzerland, Taiwan, and United Kingdom.
  • Descripción del producto
    Visaris Vision/Auto, ddRAura OTC APS, Diagnostic X-Ray System, Version 2.3 || The Vision systems are intended for use in all areas of diagnostic radiography imaging and specifically at secondary and tertiary levels of medical care. Powerful positioning capability makes this system particularly suited for institutions with immobile or hardly mobile patients, such as trauma wards and emergency departments. The system s versatility also makes it suitable for unified diagnostic imaging services for medium size hospitals where this system can cover all diagnostic radiography needs. In general, Vision systems are intended to position the patient, x-ray source and digital detector in such a way as to expose only the desired patient anatomy to X-rays and capture the resulting x-ray image. They are then intended to process the acquired image to a diagnostic viewing level and export it in DICOM format through an option of several distribution media including film, paper, CD-DVD and digital PACS archives. The system is intended for routine, daily, dedicated use in radiographic diagnosis. It can be used in any type of specialized radiology wards or for general radiographic diagnostics
  • Manufacturer