Retiro De Equipo (Recall) de Device Recall Measurement Specialties Reusable Temperature Probe Autoclavable

Según U.S. Food and Drug Administration, este evento ( retiro de equipo (recall) ) involucró a un dispositivo médico en United States que fue producido por Measurement Specialties Inc.

¿Qué es esto?

Una corrección al equipo o acción de retiro tomada por el fabricante para abordar un problema con un dispositivo médico. Los retiros (recalls) ocurren cuando un dispositivo médico está defectuoso, cuando puede poner en riesgo la salud, o cuando simultáneamente está defectuoso y puede poner en riesgo la salud.

Más información acerca de la data acá
  • Tipo de evento
  • ID del evento
  • Clase de Riesgo del Evento
    Class 2
  • Número del evento
  • Fecha de inicio del evento
  • Estado del evento
    Open, Classified
  • País del evento
  • Fuente del evento
  • URL de la fuente del evento
  • Notas / Alertas
    U.S. data is current through June 2018. All of the data comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except for the category Manufacturer Parent Company.
    The Parent Company was added by ICIJ.
    The parent company information is based on 2017 public records.
  • Notas adicionales en la data
    Thermometer, electronic, clinical - Product Code FLL
  • Causa
    The reusable temperature probes are provided with instructions for sterilization that have not been proven through a validation study.
  • Acción
    Customers were notified via mail or email on March 13, 2017. Additional customers were later identified and notified on June 14, 2017. Instructions included to disregard the sterilization instructions listed in the IFU (A08411F)originally provided with probes and instead utilize the updated IFU 08411G which contains validated sterilization instructions. They were also instructed to forward the recall notification to within their firm and to all organizations if further distributed. For further questions, please call (763) 316-4075.


  • Modelo / Serial
    Part No. 401AC (Lot No. 14K87246, 15M96863, 13E72645, 12D61386, 13D72302, 16B97593, 15C91286, 13B64377, 14J86547, 12B59416, 13A69334, 15K95972, 15A97196, 15E92377, 15F92378, 13L77336, 12D61023, 14G84704, 14K87499, 14F84193, 13L77335, 16B97594, 15C91419, 13B70167, 15C91448, 15E92375, 15K96046, 16A97197, 12B59529, 16B97798, 15K96125, 16B97595, 15L96777, 12D61829, 13D72644, 15A89998, 13F73449, 12M64134, 15L96745, 15D90215, 15H95035, 13F74403, 13L78489, 13L77336, 12H65961, 14G84878, 12F62179, 14J87014, 12B55182, 14F84444, 14J87081, 13L77336, 13L78489, 14F84400, 12J66632, 16A97380, 12M68130, 15E92376, 14L88737, 14L87904, 12K66633, 13H74994, 13H74995, 12B60056, 12C57285, 14H86266, 16A97592, 14J87164, 12D59168, 14M89765, 12A54328, 15A89854, 14F84634, 14G84624, 15M96829, 15K95896);    Part No. 402AC (Lot No. 13E73262, 15E92379, 12E57286, 12L68344, 15E93385, 12H65752, 12H65787, 15F92380, 12J65322, 15F92381, 12K67454, 15A89941, 15A89282, 13H75930, 12F55548, 12K67533, 13H75930, 12J66809, 12B59570, 15E92010, 12A50150, 14E83393);    Part No. 409AC (Lot No. 12C56215, 12B56215, 15C90920, 15K28358, 12C60069, 13B70035, 16B97312, 13A69520, 14E83602, 13E73264, 12L68584, 11M57610, 12F59571, 15B90832, 15E92560, 12K63370, 16B97614, 12L54648, 15D92011, 12M63372, 14H85773, 16B97615, 15M97109, 16B97805, 12M69229, 15A89939, 15A90196, 12F60692, 14L88520, 14L88519, 13A70145, 15E92382, 15A90466, 13E73450, 15F92383, 13D72925)
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    USA (nationwide) distribution to the states of : AL, CA, KY, IL, KS, MN, NY, OH, TX, VA and WI. Distributed internationally to: Australia, Canada, China, England, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam
  • Descripción del producto
    Measurement Specialties Reusable Temperature Probe Autoclavable. Sold as Esophageal/Rectal (Adult), Esophageal/Rectal (Pediatric), and Skin (Adult) || Intended for use by a licensed physician to continuously monitor human esophageal, rectal, or skin temperature. They are designed to be used with any patient monitoring system designed to accept 400 Series temperature probes.
  • Manufacturer


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Measurement Specialties Inc, 1711 139th Ln NW, Andover MN 55304-3926
  • Source