Retiro De Equipo (Recall) de Integra Camino 1104 Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring

Según U.S. Food and Drug Administration, este evento ( retiro de equipo (recall) ) involucró a un dispositivo médico en United States que fue producido por Integra Limited.

¿Qué es esto?

Una corrección al equipo o acción de retiro tomada por el fabricante para abordar un problema con un dispositivo médico. Los retiros (recalls) ocurren cuando un dispositivo médico está defectuoso, cuando puede poner en riesgo la salud, o cuando simultáneamente está defectuoso y puede poner en riesgo la salud.

Más información acerca de la data acá
  • Tipo de evento
  • ID del evento
  • Clase de Riesgo del Evento
    Class 2
  • Número del evento
  • Fecha de inicio del evento
  • Fecha de publicación del evento
  • Estado del evento
  • País del evento
  • Fecha de finalización del evento
  • Fuente del evento
  • URL de la fuente del evento
  • Notas / Alertas
    U.S. data is current through June 2018. All of the data comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except for the category Manufacturer Parent Company.
    The Parent Company was added by ICIJ.
    The parent company information is based on 2017 public records.
  • Notas adicionales en la data
    Device, monitoring, intracranial pressure - Product Code GWM
  • Causa
    Integra lifesciences has identified through an internal evaluation that in order to comply with us fda requirements, certain camino¿ intracranial pressure monitoring kits require additional labelling to indicate they are unsafe in an mr environment. only the following camino¿ intracranial pressure monitoring kits are affected: 110-4b, 110-4bc, 110-4g, 110-4h, 110-4hc, 110-4l, 110-4lc.
  • Acción
    Integra sent an Urgent Medical Device Correction Field Safety Notice dted September 10, 2013, to all affected customers. The letter identified the product, the problem, and the action to be taken by the customer. Customers were instructed to review their inventory and determine if they have any of the affected product. If so, customers were asked to ensure that the information contained in the letter be distributed to the appropriate personnel. Complete the attached form return it by email or fax as indicated on the form. Customers with questions were instructed to contact Customer Service at 1-855-532-1723. For questions regarding this recall call 1-800-997-4868, outside of the US 888-980-7742.


  • Modelo / Serial
    Product / Catalogue No.s: 110-4B, 110-4BC, 110-4G, 110-4H, 110-4HC, 110-4L, 110-4LC.  Lot Numbers: Catalog Number 110-4B: 3050RX195484, 3050RX198473, 305000205426, 3050RX197641, 3050RX201421, 305000205648, 305000205652, 3050RX199149, 3050RX201407, 3050RX199850, 305000205976, 3050RY189979, 3050RX200862, 305000206178, 3050RY193648, 3050RX200486, 3050RX181026, 3050RX185115, 3050RY195484, 305000207061, 305000207062, 3050RY198473, 305000207330, 305000207334, 3050RY197641, 3050RY200862, 305000207580, 305000207892, 3050RY200486, 3050RY181026, 3050RY185115, 3050RX207330, 3050RX207334, 3050RX207580, 305000208008, 305000208510, 3050RY207892, 305000210060, 3050RX208008, 3050RX208510, 3050RX205976, 3050RX206178, 305000210563, 305000211723, 3050RX210060, 305000212616, 305000213007, 305000213191, 30500X210563, 3050RX207061, 305000214590, 3050RX205426, 30500X215502, 3050RX207062, 305000215531, 30500X216410, 3050RY199850, 305000216132, 30500X216627, 30500X217119, 3050RY217112, 305000216718, 3050RX217751, 3050RX217840, 3050RY217837, 305000217858, 30500X218369, 30500X218391, 30500X219054, 3050RY206178, 305000220708, 305000218578, 30500X220430, 305000219261, 30500X221221, 305000221226, 305000219989, 30500X222569, 305000221953, 305000221955, 30500X223153, 30500X223709, 305000223275, 305000223280, 305000222640, 30500X224142, 305000223867, 305000223866, 30500X224692, 305000224352, 305000224353, 30500X225386, 305000225045, 305000225044, 30500X225992, 305000225632, 305000225633, 30500X226540, 30500X227059, 305000226844, 305000226846, 305000226127, 30500X227564, 305000226836, 30500X227820, 305000227127, 305000227128, 30500X228194, 305000227790, 305000227789, 30500X228787, 305000228522, 305000228521, 305000228971, 305000228972, 30500X229560, 305000229328, 305000229329, 30500X229766, 30500X230087, 305000229825, 305000229826, 30500X230565, 305000230303, 305000230302, 30500X231053, 305000230780, 305000230781, 30500X231786, 305000231461, 305000231462, 30500X232331, 305000232098, 305000232099, 30500X232960, 305000232605, 305000232604, 305000233245, 305000233244, 305000233243, 305000233242, 305000233241, 305000233240, 30500X233415, 30500X234183, 305000233607, 305000233608, 30500X234806, 305000234303, 305000234304, 305000235022, 305000235017, 30500X235732, 305000235598, 30500X236328, 305000236105, 305000236104, 305000236655, 305000236653, 30500Y237087, 30500X237090, 305000237232, 30500X237761, 305000237824, 305000237825, 30500X238273, 305000238263, 305000238264, 30500X239095, 305000238818, 305000238819, 30500X239497, 30500X239748, 30500X239958, 30500X240334, 30500X240668, 30500X241368, 305000241516, 305000242236, 305000242792, 305000242795, 305000242796, 305000242794, 305000242793, 305000242791, 3050RY243869, 305000243251, 305000243882, 305000243881, 305000243888, 305000243889, 305000243883, 30500X244281, 30500X244880, 305000244513,30500X245306, 305000244481, 305000244480, 305000244934, 30500X245937, 30500X246067, 305000245408, 30500X246872, 305000245835, 30500X246951, 30500X247608, 305000246460, 30500X248284, 305000247007, 3050RX227127, 3050RX234303, 305000247717, 305000249072, 3050RX242794, 3050RX242793, 3050RX237825, 3050RX241516, 30500X249488, 305000248479, 30500X250423, 305000249743, 30500X250964, 305000250456, 30500X251060, 305000251055, 30500X251560, 30500X252133, 3050RY252136, 305000251453, 30500X252771, 305000252058, 3050RX244513, 305000252646, 305000253785, 30500X254929, 3050RY255145, 30500X255141, 305000254589, 305000255549, 305000255551, 305000255038, 30500X256614, 305000256192, 305000257281, 305000256709, 305000257280, 305000258048, 30500X259385, 305000258379, 305000258921, 305000258922, 30500X259557, 305000259431, 305000259432, 30500X260159, 305000259966, 305000259960, 305000260514, 305000260527, 30500Y261748, 3050RX253785, 305000261325, 305000261326, 305000261737, 305000261736, 3050RX256192, 30500X262441, 305000262328, 305000262327, 305000262978, 305000262977, 3050RY263508, 30500X263559, 305000263504, 305000264073, 305000264074, 305000264625, 305000264624, 3050RY265348, 30500X265422, 30500X265976, 3050RY265975, 305000265530, 305000265527, 30500X266142, 305000266134, 305000266135, 30500X266789, 305000267193, 305000267194, 3050RX261325, 30500X267468, 305000267421, 305000267422, 30500X267990, 305000267673, 305000267674, 305000268294, 305000268293, 305000266784, 305000268914, 305000268915, 3050RX261736, 3050RY269955, 30500X269963, 305000269220, 305000269221, 305000270081, 3050RY271045, 30500X271047, 305000271042, 305000271716, 305000271715, 30500X272367, 305000272273, 305000272274, 305000272852, 305000272851, 30500X274204, 305000273466, 305000273463, 305000274200, 305000274201, 30500X275297, 30500X275393, 305000274816, 30500X276594, 3050RX268914, 305000277761, 3050RY282196, 305000282304, 30500X282815, 3050RY283371, 3050RX283315, 3050RX283314    Catalog Number 110-4G: 3050RX195650, 3050RX198690, 3050RY193969, 3050RY197837, 3050RX199151, 3050RX199942, 3050RX201552, 3050RY185259, 3050RX200538, 305000206177, 3050RX200989, 305000206556, 305000206557, 3050RX200990, 3050RY199151, 3050RY199942, 305000207465, 3050RY200538, 3050RY200989, 305000208007, 3050RY200990, 3050RX207465, 3050RX206557, 3050RX206556, 305000209417, 305000209105, 3050RX208007, 305000210891, 305000211419, 3050RX206177, 30500X209105, 3050RX209417, 305000212298, 30500X210891, 305000213240, 305000214103, 30500X215501, 30500X215577, 3050RX202201, 305000215628, 3050RY195650, 3050RY198690, 30500X216621, 305000216246,3050RY217113, 30500X217118, 305000217140, 30500X217835, 3050RY217839, 305000217464, 30500X218393, 305000218009, 30500X219053, 305000218225, 305000219118, 30500X220001, 30500X220429, 305000219990, 30500X221225, 305000221227, 30500X222567, 305000222642, 305000223279, 30500X223707, 305000223868, 30500X224685, 305000224354, 30500X225383, 305000225046, 305000225634, 30500X226000, 30500X226541, 305000226731, 305000226869, 305000226867, 30500X227567, 305000227129, 30500X228784, 305000228523, 305000228973, 30500X229561, 305000229330, 30500X230084, 305000229827, 305000230304, 30500X231054,305000230782, 30500X231787, 305000231463, 30500X232333, 305000232101, 30500X232776, 305000232606, 30500X233419, 305000233246, 305000233609, 30500X234690, 30500X234807, 305000234306, 305000235566, 30500X236329, 30500Y237088, 30500X237767, 305000237233, 305000238820, 30500X239496, 305000239476, 30500X240336, 30500X241357, 305000241518, 30500X242172, 305000242249, 305000243252, 305000244364, 30500X245304, 305000244935, 305000245409, 305000245838, 30500X246522, 305000246308, 30500X246873, 30500X247609, 30500X248281, 305000249073, 3050RX241518, 3050RX233246, 3050RX242249, 3050RX228973, 30500X251061, 305000251056, 30500X251563, 3050RY252137, 305000252059, 305000252648, 305000254591, 30500X254931, 30500X255143, 305000255039, 305000255548, 305000256193, 305000256737, 305000257244, 305000257246, 305000257921, 305000257920, 305000258303, 305000258290, 30500X259383, 305000258793, 305000259573, 30500X260163, 305000259958, 305000259959, 3050RX254591, 3050RX255039, 305000260513, 305000260512, 30500Y261771, 3050RX257244, 3050RX257920, 305000261159, 305000261160, 3050RY262444, 30500X262443, 305000261734, 305000261732, 305000262325, 305000262326, 3050RX258303, 305000262976, 305000262975, 3050RY263510, 30500X263560, 305000263507, 305000263506, 305000264075, 305000264076, 305000264627, 305000264628, 30500X265424, 305000265525, 305000265524, 30500X265978, 30500X266143, 305000266063, 305000266064, 30500X266787, 305000266638, 305000266637, 305000267191, 30500X267470, 305000267423, 305000267675, 3050RY269957, 30500X274206  Catalog Number 110-4H: 3050RX198281, 3050RY194144, 3050RY198281, 3050RY200861, 30500X223154, 305000220948, 305000223622, 30500X225385, 30500X233417, 305000231714, 305000241350, 30500X243874, 305000250959, 30500X254932, 305000263557  Catalog Number 110-4L: 305000221383, 30500X222566, 305000222762, 30500X223971,305000223969, 305000225078, 30500X226539, 305000226221, 30500X227058, 305000226848, 305000226749, 305000226847, 305000226871, 305000226,870, 30500X228783, 305000229450, 305000229909, 305000230871 30500X232775, 305000232199, 30500X232961, 305000233311, 305000234438, 30500X235731, 305000235181, 305000236201, 305000237368, 305000237369, 305000237799, 305000238539, 305000239102, 30500X240245, 30500X240246, 30500X240247, 305000239736, 305000239737, 30500X241365, 30500X241522, 305000241082, 30500X242170, 30500X245765, 30500X246521, 3050RX237799, 3050RX226749, 3050RX229450, 3050RX241082, 3050RX232199, 3050RY252775, 3050RX240446, 3050RY255148, 305000259553, 305000260626, 305000261835, 305000262436, 3050RX259553, 305000263146, 3050RX260626, 305000264077, 3050RX262436, 3050RX261835, 305000264175, 3050RY265351, 3050RY265766, 305000265531, 30500X266144, 3050RY266146, 30500X266522, 305000266062, 305000267297, 30500X267473, 30500X268133, 305000267784, 305000268412, 3050RX265531, 305000268916, 3050RY271046, 305000271872, 30500X272374, 305000272591, 30500X274210, 30500X274963, 305000281820   Catalog Number 110-4BC: 176044, 177018, 178013, 178898, 179757, 180139, 180955, 182279, 182908, 184079, 184687, 185284, 186277, 187293, 190452, 187780, 190451, 191891, 193414, 194074, 195161, 195608, 196987, 197492, 198189, 198512, 200069, 200490, 199609, 201039, 201595, 202423, 203565, 207077, 208532  Catalog Number 110-4HC: 179758, 180956, 183071, 184686, 186278, 187781, 190450, 192246, 194993, 195450, 198191, 199708, 201040, 201596, 202009   Catalog Number 110-4LC: 162523, 167450, 167786, 175720, 177188, 178547, 182130, 187495, 195245, 197493.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution
  • Descripción del producto
    Brand Names: Integra¿ Camino 110-4 Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring || Catheters. || Product / Catalogue No.s: 110-4B, 110-4BC, 110-4G, 110-4H, 110-4HC, 110-4L, 110-4LC. || The fully packaged 110-4B, 110-4H, and 110-4L catheters are || also provided as a component in kits that contain other cranial || access devices. These kits are Catalogue No. 110-4BC, 110- || 4HC, and 110-4LC respectively. || Common Name: Intracranial Pressure and Pressure-Temperature Monitoring Kits || Classification Name: Device, Monitoring, Intracranial Pressure || 510(k) Number: K102875 || The Camino 110-4 Intracranial Pressure monitoring catheters are sterile transducer-tipped pressure monitoring catheters that are used by neurosurgeons to rapidly determine and continuously monitor intracranial pressure or pressure/temperature.  The Camino 110-4B catheter is used for Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in the parenchyma or subarachnoid space.  The Camino 110-4G catheter is used for Post Craniotomy Subdural Pressure Monitoring.  The Camino 110-4H catheter is intended for Intracranial Pressure Monitoring and Cerebrospinal fluid drainage.  The Camino 110-4L catheter is intended for use with the Licox¿ Brain Oxygen Monitoring System to measure intracranial pressure in the parenchyma.  The fully packaged 110-4B, 110-4H, and 110-4L catheters are also provided as a component in kits that contain other cranial access devices. These kits are Catalogue No. 110-4BC, 110- 4HC, and 110-4LC respectively.
  • Manufacturer


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Integra Limited, 311 Enterprise Dr, Plainsboro NJ 08536-3344
  • Source