3 dispositivos en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
    Spiggle & Theis ENT sinus single-use suction tubes (used for paranasal sinus suction)Disposable suction tubes, 100mm length, sinus/nasal, 3.0mm dia, 45°angle, box of 50 (9fr)Product Code: REF 3010030Lot Number: 014443Disposable suction tubes, 100mm length, sinus/nasal, 4.0mm dia, 45°angle, box of 50 (12fr)Product Code: REF 3010040Lot Number: 014645, 014832ARTG Number: 205220
  • Modelo / Serial
    Of Spiggle & Theis PTFE Ventilation TubesArticle Numbers: 104100, 104115, 104125Multiple batch numbers affectedARTG Number: 182921
  • Modelo / Serial
    Of Spiggle & Thesis PTFE Ventilation Tubes - Fluoroplastic shepard button and Fluoroplastic collar button (Tympanostomy tubes used to ventilate the middle ear subsequent to otitis media) Fluorplastic shepard button, 1.15mmRef.: 104115Lot numbers: 201208220750, 201210120800, 201211090450, 201302261000, 201301091000 and 201304121000Fluoroplastic collar button, 1.25mmRef.: 104125Lot number: 201301080700, 201302260700, A01210190500 and 201208130480ARTG Number: 182921