3 dispositivos en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
    Laerdal Compact Suction Unit 4 (LCSU 4) (portable suction unit intended for field and transport use)LCSU 4, 300ml Complete unitItem Number: 88006140LCSU 4, 800ml Complete unitItem Number: 88005140 Units manufactured from 1 May 2015 to 28 October 2016 that do not have 'RW' on labelARTG Number: 205931
  • Modelo / Serial
    Mutiple Laerdal Suction Units (LSU) with NiMH BatteryLSU with Resuable Canister Product Code: 78000003 LSU with Abbot Receptal canister Product Code: 78001003 LSU with Bemis Canister Product Code: 78002001 LSU with Serres Suction Bag Canister System Product Code: 78003003 All serial numbers affectedARTG Number: 129688
  • Modelo / Serial
    Receptal 1000 mL liner and canister used with the Laerdal Suction UnitItem code: 78001033ARTG Number: 129688