Arrow® International

Un dispositivo en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
  • Descripción del producto
    Stopcocks (catalogue numbers W20058 and W21372) and specific products containing non-lipid resistant stopcocks, manufactured by Arrow® The stopcocks are manufactured by Arrow® International, which is a subsidiary of Teleflex Medical. Product codes AH-05050-G, AI-07077-G, AH-05050-PU, AI-07077-PU (regardless of batch number) contain non-lipid resistant stopcocks.  Only product codes with batch numbers ZFxxxxxxx contain lipid resistant stop cocks. This is summarised in the table below: Product codes Lipid resistant batches Non-lipid resistant batches AH-05050-G None All AH-05050-PU AI-07077-G AI-07077-PU All product codes listed in Appendix A of the Field Safety Notice Lot numbers beginning with the letter ZF and followed by seven digits, e.g. ZFxxxxxxx. All other Lot numbers

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