
2 dispositivos en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
  • Descripción del producto
    Vacutainer® multiple sample Luer adaptor for blood sample collection. Catalogue number 367300 (England only - NHS Supply Chain code KFK036). Specific lot numbers are affected. Affected lot numbers: 1333588 2123767 2249601 2289883 1333589 2213775 2249602 2297780 2024564 2213776 2255659 2305611 2051820 2222725 2282697 2314818 2061445 2226828 2282699 2108597 2242559 2289881
  • Modelo / Serial
  • Descripción del producto
    Vacutainer® multiple sample Luer adaptor for blood sample collection. Specific lot numbers affected. All BD Vacutainer multiple sample Luer adaptors catalogue number 367300, NHS Supply Chain Code KFK036 (England only), which have a lot number that falls within the following numerical range (inclusive) are affected: Lot number 1326169 , expiry date 11/2014 to lot number 3072890 , expiry date 03/2016 Note : This does not affect any other BD products which have a lot number within this range.

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