Un dispositivo en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
    AFFINITY models P3700B, P3700C, P3700D and P3700E, manufactured between October 2006 and June 2014.
  • Descripción del producto
    AFFINITY ™ FOUR obstetric beds are intended to be used as delivery cares for pregnant women with LDR (dilatation, delivery and recovery) or LDRP (dilation, delivery, recovery and postpartum). The hospital systems VERSACA RE ™ and TOTA LCA RE ™ s systems offer patient support perfectly adapted to hospital environments. Care units and intensive surveillance, medical-surgical care, post-anesthesia care unit and deurgery rooms, among others, can be used. The P ROGRESSA ™ bed is designed for the prevention or treatment of pulmonary complications or other associated complications with immobility; for the treatment or prevention of pressure ulcers; or for any other purpose where medical benefits can be obtained from continuous lateral rotation therapy or dermal / percussion therapy.