Un dispositivo en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
    Lot No. 4773676, 4776428 and 4780110
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US Distribution to the states of AZ, AR, FL, MI, MN, MO, NY, TX, VA, WA and WI., and to the countries of Hungary and Spain.
  • Descripción del producto
    Starburst MRI Semi-Flex Electrode Device, 25cm/Attached Cable/14Ga/6.4F, Product No. H7877001039091, Catalog No. 700-103909; 25cm/14Ga/6.4F, Product No. H7877001026151, Catalog No. 700-102615; and 25cm/14Ga/6.4F, Product No. H7877001026151, Catalog No. 700-102615

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  • Dirección del fabricante
    AngioDynamics Inc., 10 Glens Falls Tech Park, Glens Falls NY 12801-3864
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source
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