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Preguntas frecuentes
Del Medical, Inc.
Dirección del fabricante
Del Medical, Inc., 241 Covington Dr, Bloomingdale IL 60108-3109
Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
Del Medical Inc.
2 Events
Retiro De Equipo (Recall) de Device Recall Del Medical VS300 radiographic Cassette Holder or Wall Stand
Retiro De Equipo (Recall) de Device Recall Del Medical VS200 radiographic Cassette Holder or Wall Stand
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2 dispositivos en la base de datos
Device Recall Del Medical VS300 radiographic Cassette Holder or Wall Stand
Modelo / Serial
Product # Serial # 110-5124G1 , 00019-0114 110-5124G1 , 00020-0114 110-5124G1 , 00092-0114 110-5124G1 , 00551-0314 110-5124G1 , 00512-0214 110-5124G1 , 00447-0214 110-5124G1 , 00016-0114 110-5124G1 , 00554-0314 110-5124G1 , 00094-0114 110-5124G1 , 00256-0214 110-5124G1 , 00741-0314 110-5124G1 , 00446-0214 110-5124G1 , 00017-0114 110-5124G1 , 00093-0114 110-5124G1 , 00236-0114 110-5124G1 , 00814-0414 110-5124G1 , 00815-0414 110-5124G1 , 00340-0214 110-5124G3 , 00995-0414 110-5124G1 , 00338-0214 110-5124G1 , 00552-0314 110-5124G1 , 00253-0214 110-5124G1 , 00445-0214 110-5124G1 , 00254-0214 110-5124G1 , 00095-0114 110-5124G1 , 00670-0314 110-5124G1 , 00252-0214 110-5124G1 , 00018-0114 110-5124G1 , 00669-0314 110-5124G1 , 00339-0214 110-5124G1 , 00444-0214 110-5124G1 , 00255-0214
Clasificación del producto
Radiology Devices
Clase de dispositivo
Worldwide Distribution-US (nationwide) and the countries of Canada, Costa Rica, Libya, Mexico, and Philippines.
Descripción del producto
VS300 radiographic Cassette Holder or Wall Stand. For use in radiology department.
Device Recall Del Medical VS200 radiographic Cassette Holder or Wall Stand
Modelo / Serial
Product # Serial # 110-5010G1 , 00504-0214 110-5010G1 , 00855-0414 110-5010G1 , 00182-0114 110-5010G1 , 00108-0114 110-5010G1 , 00479-0214 110-5010G1 , 00014-0114 110-5010G1 , 00251-0214 110-5010G1 , 00854-0414 110-5010G1 , 00505-0214 110-5010G1 , 00342-0214 110-5010G1 , 00477-0214 110-5010G1 , 00184-0114 110-5010G1 , 00248-0214 110-5010G1 , 00588-0314 110-5010G1 , 00852-0414 110-5010G1 , 00107-0114 110-5010G1 , 00183-0114 110-5010G1 , 00480-0214 110-5010G1 , 00503-0214 110-5010G1 , 00443-0214 110-5010G1 , 00853-0414 110-5010G1 , 00941-0414 110-5010G1 , 00013-0114 110-5010G1 , 00343-0214 110-5010G1 , 00478-0214 110-5010G1 , 00249-0214 110-5010G1 , 00185-0114 110-5010G1 , 00442-0214 110-5010G1 , 00632-0314 110-5010G1 , 00475-0214 110-5010G1 , 00507-0214 110-5010G1 , 00015-0114 110-5010G1 , 00631-0314 110-5010G1 , 01008-0514 110-5010G1 , 00635-0314 110-5010G1 , 00011-0114 110-5010G1 , 00012-0114 110-5010G1 , 00345-0214 110-5010G1 , 00590-0314 110-5010G1 , 00440-0214 110-5010G1 , 00591-0314 110-5010G1 , 00506-0214 110-5010G1 , 00106-0114 110-5010G1 , 00774-0314 110-5010G1 , 00508-0214 110-5010G1 , 00476-0214 110-5010G1 , 00186-0114 110-5010G1 , 00587-0314 110-5010G1 , 00441-0214 110-5010G1 , 00589-0314 110-5010G1 , 00250-0214 110-5010G1 , 00247-0214 110-5010G1 , 00773-0314 110-5010G1 , 00344-0214 110-5010G3 , 01090-0514 110-5010G3 , 00709-0314 110-5010G3 , 00988-0414 110-5010G3 , 00010-0114 110-5010G4 , 01080-0514 110-5010G4 , 00047-0114 110-5010G4 , 00925-0414
Clasificación del producto
Radiology Devices
Clase de dispositivo
Worldwide Distribution-US (nationwide) and the countries of Canada, Costa Rica, Libya, Mexico, and Philippines.
Descripción del producto
VS200 radiographic Cassette Holder or Wall Stand. For use in radiology department.