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Preguntas frecuentes
DeRoyal Processing Center
Dirección del fabricante
DeRoyal Processing Center, 1703 Highway 33 S, New Tazewell TN 37825-5043
Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
Deroyal Industries Inc.
2 Events
Retiro De Equipo (Recall) de Device Recall Water Soluble Lubricant
Retiro De Equipo (Recall) de Device Recall DeRoyal(R) TRAUMA CRANIOTOMY PACK
{{ $t('card.reduce') }}
{{ $tc('card.more', left) }}
2 dispositivos en la base de datos
Device Recall Water Soluble Lubricant
Modelo / Serial
31-702: 18040107, 18125741, 18150322, 18368014, 18605067, 18605067, 19032694, 19032694, 19136741, 19557491, 20023453, 20102637, 20190729, 20190729, 20023453, 20190729, 20510139, 20023453, 20190729, 21049840, 21049840, 21517201, 21780683, 21780683, 21517201, 21780683, 22025604, 22147169, 21517201, 21517201, 22269799, 22952133, 23474014, 23474014, 23474014, 24194532, 24194532, 24406620, 17950117, 19136741, 21517201, 21780683, 22147169, 22025604, 22595121, 23918771, 24406620, 20190729, 18040107, 18605067, 19032694, 19136741, 20190729, 18150322, 19032694, 20102637, 20190729, 20190729, 21517201, 22269799, 22269799, 24406620, 24406620, 17296856, 17950117, 18368014, 18368014, 18368014, 18605067, 19557491, 19557491, 20510139, 20634166, 21168988, 22952133, 22595121, 22898042, 22952133, 22269799, 24194532, 24194532, 24406620, 19557491, 19032694, 19032694, 20023453, 20023453, 20190729, 20510139, 20634166, 21517201, 21517201, 21517201, 22898042, 21517201, 23918771, 18040107, 18605067, 20023453, 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1397561, 21588481, 21746987, 22269810, 23474022, 23474022, 23750736, 23750736, 24406638, 24406638, 24406638, 17407430, 17407430, 17407430, 17950133, 18234024, 18395143, 18368031, 18368031, 18368031, 18605075, 18962021, 18962021, 18605075, 18962021, 18605075, 18962021, 18605075, 19089121, 19089121, 19476391, 19476391, 19476391, 19476391, 19792802, 19792802, 19557520, 19792802, 19557520, 19792802, 20510155, 20510155, 20510155, 20656576, 20656576, 20656576, 20914037, 20510155, 20656576, 20914037, 21049866, 20656576, 21049866, 21049866, 21238801, 21238801, 21397561, 21588481, 21588481, 21588481, 21746987, 21746987, 21746987, 22037111, 22037111, 22269810, 22531646, 22531646, 22531646, 22758218, 22758218, 22758218, 22269810, 23192682, 23192682, 23474022, 23474022, 23750736, 23474022, 23750736, 24175892, 24175892, 24175892, 24406638, 24406638, 24406638, 24764187, 17950133, 18234024, 18368031, 18368031, 18368031, 18605075, 18605075, 18962021, 18962021, 19089121, 19089121, 19476391, 19792802, 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20069646, 21672797, 21672797, 18368057, 24406646, 17407448, 17407448, 18368057, 18500214, 18500214, 18500214, 19089148, 19089148, 19089148, 19089148, 19089148, 18500214, 20069646, 19940879, 20069646, 20510180, 20656584, 20656584, 20656584, 20069646, 20510180, 21672797, 21747007, 21747007, 21907509, 22147193, 22269836, 21907509, 22269836, 22853565, 21747007, 21907509, 23382419, 23750744, 24046927, 24194559, 24406646, 24194559, 17407448, 18500214, 18500214, 19089148, 20069646, 19940879, 20656584, 21672797, 22269836, 23750744, 19089148, 20656584, and 22269836.
Clasificación del producto
General Hospital and Personal Use Devices
Clase de dispositivo
Nationwide Distribution
Descripción del producto
Lubricating Jelly packaged as follows: || (1) DeRoyal(R) Water Soluble Lubricant, Size: 5 Gram, Rx Only, REF 31-702, STERILE EO, Distributed by: DeRoyal - 200 DeBusk Lane, Powell, TN 37849, USA; || (2) DeRoyal(R) Water Soluble Lubricant, 1 / Pack, Size: 2 oz Rx Only, REF 31-704, STERILE EO, Distributor: DeRoyal, 200 DeBusk Lane, Powell, TN 37849, USA; || (3) DeRoyal(R) Lubricant, Size: 5 Gram, Rx Only, REF 31-938, STERILE EO, Distributed by: DeRoyal - 200 DeBusk Lane, Powell, TN 37849, USA || Lubricating body orifices.
Modelo / Serial
REF 89-7639.01 - Lot Number 24579045 REF 89-7639.01 - Lot Number 24664258 REF 89-7639.02 - Lot Numbers: 24828048, 25598985, 25359212, 25399676
Clasificación del producto
General and Plastic Surgery Devices
Clase de dispositivo
(USA) including Indiana
Descripción del producto
Custom surgical kits: || DeRoyal(R) TRAUMA CRANIOTOMY PACK, REF 89-7639.01, STERILE EO, Manufactured by: DeRoyal Industries, Inc., Powell, TN 37849 || DeRoyal(R) TRAUMA CRANIOTOMY PACK PGYBK, REF 89-7639.01, STERILE EO, Manufactured by: DeRoyal Industries, Inc., Powell, TN 37849 || DeRoyal(R) TRAUMA CRANIOTOMY PACK PGYBK, REF 89-7639.02, STERILE EO, Manufactured by: DeRoyal Industries, Inc., Powell, TN 37849 || surgical kits