GE Healthcare Clinical Systems

Un dispositivo en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
    Systems with software version 4.0.5, 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. Serial numbers: 26022WS4, 26023WS2, 26346WS7, 2641WS8, 31001WS1, 34381WS4, 36460WS4, 36461WS2, 43734WS3, 43735WS0, 43736WS8, 43737WS6, 43994WS3, 43995WS0, 43998WS4, 44000WS8, 44001WS6, 44002WS4, 44003WS2, 44004WS0, 44005WS7, 44011WS5, 44012WS3, 44013WS1, 44015WS6, 44016WS4, 44018WS0, 44019WS8, 44020WS6, 44100WS6, 44153WS5, 44157WS6, 44159WS2, 44270WS7, 44273WS1, 44274WS9, 44275WS6, 44276WS4, 44277WS2, 44532WS0, 44533WS8, 44817WS5, 44819WS1, 44820WS9, 44821WS7, 44822WS5, 44825WS8, 44826WS6, 44908WS2, 44909WS0, 44912WS4, 44914WS0, 44915WS7, 44989WS2, 44990WS0, 44991WS8, 44992WS6, 44994WS2, 45088WS2, 45089WS0, 5122WS7
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (NY & AL), Korea, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, and Czech Republic.
  • Descripción del producto
    GE LOGIQ 3 Expert ultrasound scanner with software versions 4.0.5, 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. GE Healthcare P.O. Box 414, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201

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